150 EYFS & SEN Sensory Learning Ideas (2024)

Free, Simple Sensory Activities For EYFS or SEN

There are many options for embedding effective sensory learning curriculums for children who cannot access worksheets and online teaching resources. Sensory learners need sensory learning ideas. Preferably simple and free ones. This list of 150 (ish) ideas should give you some ideas to try at home, EYFS settings and in classrooms. You may also like our post on Scavenger hunts for children at home.

100 More Sensory Learning Ideas (Linked to EYFS)

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150 EYFS & SEN Sensory Learning Ideas (1)

Frequently Asked Questions about Sensory Learning

Before we look at the ideas here are 10 FAQs about educational sensory learning:

  1. What is sensory learning?
    Sensory learning involves using the five senses – sight, sound, smell, touch and taste – to engage students in the learning process. When multiple senses are stimulated during hands-on activities, it can enhance memory, and focus and help children understand concepts.
  2. How does it benefit students?
    Sensory learning activities have been shown to boost brain development and skill retention. Multi-sensory input allows students to make real-world connections and learn in their preferred modalities. Research also links sensory activities to improved behaviour, focus and academic achievement.
  3. What types of sensory activities are most effective?
    Activities involving movement and tactile experiences tend to be most engaging. Things like outdoor exploration, playdough, sand or water play activate vestibular and proprioceptive senses for better attention. Multi-step sensory bins require problem-solving, numbering and literacy skills.
  4. How can it be used across subjects?
    Sensory maths uses objects like paint, rice or play money to learn addition/subtraction. For science, students can touch/observe real plants/animals. Sand trays bring stories and history to life. Music encourages creativity and language development. Cooking integrates reading/following directions and collecting data.
  5. How do I get started with sensory activities?
    Begin by only selecting 1-2 activities related to your lesson to keep focus. Introduce materials one at a time. Model expected behaviours. Give concrete directions and don’t expect too much at first. Remember to make activities open-ended for various engagement levels. Start simply and expand options over time. Do not worry about having your activities look instagram-worthy.
  6. Are there safety considerations?
    Yes, supervise all activities closely at first. Avoid anything with small parts for choking hazards. Be conscious of allergies/sensitivities. Wash hands after messy play. Sanitise materials and organise areas to be clutter-free. Be inclusive of sensory needs and don’t force participation.
  7. How can I fit it into a busy schedule?
    Incorporate movement into transitions whenever possible. Use sensory activities at centres during work time. Replace less engaging tasks with sensory options. Sensory stations outside of lessons can stimulate development too. Just 5-10 minutes regularly makes a difference without disrupting routines. Finger Gym can be a brilliant filler activity and sometimes you need hands-on activities that calm the class.
  8. How do I ensure focus on learning?
    Explain how sensory activities connect to subject learning. Have students discuss the purpose and identify targets. Guide participation toward goals using specific questions/feedback. Rather than rewards, praise effort/progress in skill-building. Observe for understanding before/after doing a hands-on task.
  9. How can parents support at home?
    Suggest carrying over learning from activities by discussing takeaways from school. Recommend using common household items for sensory experiences related to current topics. Share activity ideas through newsletters and encourage caregivers to participate in school events promoting the approach.
  10. What research supports the approach?
    Studies have found that sensory-rich classrooms see increased engagement, self-regulation, literacy/numeracy skills and focus. The neural mechanisms behind multisensory learning are well-documented too (Shams & Seitz, 2008).

Proprioceptive Sensory Learning Activities

Balance walk along masking tape on the floor:

  • Straight
  • Zig Zigs

Tight hugs administered by a trusted adult.

150 EYFS & SEN Sensory Learning Ideas (2)

Sensory Circuit Activities:

  • Wall pushes
  • Burpees
  • Push ups
  • Hand Squeezes
  • Superhero poses
  • Animal Walk – Based on our sensory trail
  • Bear stretch
  • Owl Swoop

Follow the light/Follow the sound – The child’s whole head/body follows the movement of a torch

Vestibular Sensory Learning Activities

Imitate head positions

Sway in time with chill out music

Back and forth rowing

Spinning (10 seconds in each direction)



Jumping Jacks

Arm Spins

Musical statues


Scooter rides

Cone spinner


Auditory Sensory Learning Activities

Guess the sounds:

(you can link this to a “What’s in the bag” game)

Make a rain tube

Bottle blowing

Guess the song intro – Use favourite cartoon theme tunes. A CBeebies video playlist here.

Follow a drum beat – use biscuit tin or saucepan with woodenspoon

Follow a clap pattern

Discrimination Sound Game make a sound and see if the child can work out if it is:

  • Near or Far
  • Soft or Loud
  • High or Low

Visual Sensory Learning Activities

Drop & watch bouncy balls

Colour mixing

Washing up liquid and food colouring experiment

150 EYFS & SEN Sensory Learning Ideas (3)

Torch/Light Activities:

  • Shadow Puppet Play
  • Make numbers with your fingers
  • Guess animals from silhouette
  • Tray and guess shapes from silhouette
  • Guess book characters from silhouette (Gruffalo etc)
  • Put into tupperware and retrieve/Watch
  • Create a light table.
150 EYFS & SEN Sensory Learning Ideas (4)

Find items of interest in a picture/Find self in pictures


Sort boxes shape/size

Pile and knock down boxes/tower building

Pull colourful fabric slowly from a bag

Taste and Mouth Sensory Learning Activities


  • Bubbles
  • Boats with straws
  • Cotton Balls
  • Maltesers
  • Paint
  • Feathers
  • BallMaze
  • Whistles
  • Sequins
  • Glitter
  • Confetti

Food Fun:

This can help with limited diets and support food chaining.

  • Crunchy/Chewy Items – Alternate
  • Smooth, rough foods (smooth and crunchy peanut butter)
  • Milkshakes
  • Frozen Fruits
  • Drink through a straw
  • Cut vegetables into strips
  • Smoothies – blend and taste
  • Ask questions like, “Which food here tastes salty? Which ones are sweet?
  • Colour cubes (cut food into cubes and sort by colour i.e cucumbers, apples.)
  • Mashing foods, ripe pears, potatoes, grapes
150 EYFS & SEN Sensory Learning Ideas (5)

Tactile Sensory Learning Activities

This can include essential hygiene routines such as hand washing etc. Here are more tactile sensory learning ideas that use your outdoor areas.

Sensory Ball Games:

  • Squeeze
  • Throw/roll into bucket
  • Different textured balls – Wrap in paper, clingfilm, tin foil
  • Roll from head to toe and back
  • Bounce
  • Roll in playdough to make patterns
  • Splat into paint and roll/throw onto paper

Touch and Texture Sensory Learning Ideas

Put objects in a box and feel/guess

Sandpaper shape cut outs

Tearing paper (either to glue onto something, or just totear up)

Crumpling newspaper

Sponges- Get out bowls and a sponge to transfer water fromone bowl to the other.


Bubble wrap popping

Tin foil sculpting or squishing

Salt painting

Shaving foam art

Sand art – glue and sand and glitter

Fizzy water play (bath bombs)

Water play – using bottles, sprays and tubes.

Stress balls

Goop/slime manipulation

Earth, sand and water trays – Classic “We’re going on a bear hunt” sensory activity

Hay play – hide items in hay or straw (allergies allowing)

150 EYFS & SEN Sensory Learning Ideas (6)

Fine Motor Sensory Learning Activities

AAC games – Especially Shark Bite!

Use rubber gloves to make dots

Cotton buds to make dots

Use stick to trace letters/mark making

Cutting with scissors paper, straws

Ten Tweezer games

Ice Excavations (freeze objects in ice)

Retrieve items from shaving foam

Hole punch coloured paper then use to blow/for art

Trace numbers in sand

Use a pipette to drop liquid watercolours/food colouringonto toilet paper

Clothespin Number Match

Use clothes pegs and sort by colour to a “line” of wool

Core Strength Activities

Circuit Training

  • Sit ups
  • squats
  • crunches
  • Bicycle kicks
  • Plank
  • Stand on one leg
  • Hop, skip, jump


Body Awareness Sensory Activities

Sensory Ball throw/roll

Which hand is hiding the object?

Obstacle Course

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Self-Regulation Sensory Ideas For Anxious Children

Breathing activities for anxiety. Find other self-regulation home learning ideas here.

  • Blow out the candle
  • Blow the windmill
  • Smelling a flower
  • Open a window
  • What can you smell game
  • Blow up a balloon

Make faces in the mirror

  • Monkey
  • Monster
  • Martian
  • Tense all face muscles
  • Relax all face muscles

Count backwards

Count to 5 with a deep breath

Put beans/dried peas/rice in a balloon

Fiddle toys

Follow simple lego instructions

Make a Calm Down Jar

Create a Daisy chain or flower Bouquet

Blow up balloons

Guess the smell:

  • Spices (mix with water to avoid sneezing)
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables

Scavenger Hunts

150 EYFS & SEN Sensory Learning Ideas (7)

A sensory garden is great for embedding sensory learning ideas. The suggestions below should be findable in any garden.


  • Snails
  • Grass
  • Leaves
  • Long Stick
  • Short Stick
  • Thick Stick
  • Thin Stick
  • Shiny Stone
  • A flower


  • Big Spoon
  • Little spoon
  • Fork
  • A frying pan
  • A saucepan
150 EYFS & SEN Sensory Learning Ideas (8)

References and Further Reading About Sensory Learning

Shams, L., & Seitz, A. R. (2008). Benefits of multisensory learning.Trends in cognitive sciences,12(11), 411–417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2008.07.006

We would love to hear your suggestions for simple free sensory learning ideas and activities that you have used. If you have a site that has a demo or resources linked to these ideas let me know and I will add a link to it.

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150 EYFS & SEN Sensory Learning  Ideas (2024)


What does the Eyfs say about sensory play? ›

Use of sensory play promotes the Prime areas of Learning and Development listed within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS); communication and language, physical development, and personal, social, and emotional development.

What is the learning outcome for sensory play in EYLF? ›

EYLF learning outcomes

Sensory play links to the Early Years Learning Framework as it connects children to their world (2) and teaches them about natural and processed materials (4.4). Children of all ages, especially young babies, use their senses to inquire, research and investigate (4.2).

Why is sensory play good for SEN children? ›

Appropriate sensory stimulation increases children's concentration and focus, helping them to self-occupy. It can also develop muscle tone and is inclusive because there are no right or wrong ways of playing, appealing to children with different learning styles and abilities.

What are the 5 senses of EYFS? ›

From a young age children will explore the world using their sense of taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing.

How does the EYFS support play and learning? ›

Play underpins the EYFS. It also underpins learning and all aspects of children's development. Through play, children develop language skills, their emotions and creativity, social and intellectual skills. For most children their play is natural and spontaneous although some children may need extra help from adults.

What are five benefits of sensory play? ›

Benefits of sensory play
  • Helps with language skills. Your child's language skills develop naturally through sensory play. ...
  • Helps with fine motor skills. ...
  • Helps with gross motor skills. ...
  • Helps with cognitive growth. ...
  • Has a calming effect. ...
  • Fosters social interaction. ...
  • Sensory bins. ...
  • Finger painting.
Mar 17, 2022

What are the learning outcomes of sensory play? ›

Sensory play helps children to develop both fine and gross motor skills. As children use their pincer grip, pick things up, measure, pour and manipulate objects they develop their fine motor skills. As children explore and run, stomp and more they develop their gross motor skills.

How do children learn through sensory play? ›

Children can investigate new textures, smells, and sounds, building their curiosity and expanding their understanding of the world. This form of inquiry nurtures their cognitive and sensory processing abilities. Problem-Solving: Sensory play often involves open-ended materials that encourage problem-solving.

When should I start sensory play? ›

There is no definitive answer to this question as each child develops at their own pace and will be ready for sensory play when they are able to engage with their senses in a way that is enjoyable for them.

Does sensory play help speech? ›

Sensory experiences are very beneficial for supporting clarity of speech and conversation skills too, and they can be used to expand your little one's basic vocabulary.

Why is sensory play good for special needs? ›

Sensory play helps to develop fine and gross motor skills, memory, spatial awareness, and problem-solving. It helps children develop the cognitive skills necessary for science and technology study including: Observing. Experimenting.

What are the 5 sensory play? ›

In this article, we'll give you some ideas to help early learners explore their sense of touch, sight, smell, sound and taste. While of course we know there are more than five senses, these are the easiest ones to set up inside a classroom. So we'll keep things simple and stick with those.

What are some examples of sensory play? ›

Let's talk about sensory play, primarily the sense of touch through tactile, hands-on play. Our favorite sensory play ideas for toddlers to preschoolers and beyond include sensory bins, sensory bottles, playdough, slime (especially taste-safe slime for younger kids), water play, messy play, and more.

How do you develop sensory skills? ›

You can help your young child develop sensory skills by: Being intentional… It is important to provide a child the opportunity to explore different textures, tastes, and smells. Add a new food to your grocery list for your child to help you prepare in the kitchen and try during a meal.

What does the EYFS state about play? ›

Children have a right to play.

Play both indoors and outdoors is also a fundamental commitment to children throughout the EYFS. Play is essential for children's development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, relate to others, set their own goals and solve problems.

What does the EYFS say about creative play? ›

Creative play is an exciting way for children to learn about the world around them. Young children acquire skills rather than being taught them. Imaginative and creative play develops children's; emotional, social, physical, cognitive, speaking and listening skills.

What does Aistear say about sensory play? ›

This type of play in Aistear helps children gain an understanding of the world around them through experiencing how things feel, taste, smell, look, and sound. Sensory play is brilliant for helping children to utilise their senses to take in information around them.

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