6 unbeatable mountain recipes (2024)

These classics of French mountain gastronomy are easy to make in resort, or when you get back home as a heady reminder of the culinary heights! Bon appétit!

Savoyard fondue

Ingredients (per person): a small glass of white vin de Savoie; 200g of cheese (100g of Beaufort and 100g of Emmental); ½ clove of garlic; 1/2 liqueur glass of Kirsch, ground pepper, grated nutmeg, one large stale country loaf cut into chunks.

No week’s skiing would be complete without a Savoyard fondue; it is the epitome of Alpine gastronomy! This cheese-based speciality creates a sociable, fun meal, making it even more appealing. Originally a Swiss dish, it was adopted by the French mountainous regions who replaced the Swiss Emmental with their own cheeses. In the Savoie and Haute-Savoie regions, the flavoursome Beaufort reigns supreme, whilst in the Jura and the Vosges, Comté takes pride of place. Creamy and full-flavoured, the Savoyard fondue is child’s play to make - another plus point! Here is a recipe kindly provided by the Syndicat de Défense du Beaufort - Beaufort Cheese Defence Union ( www.fromage-beaufort.com).

First of all, rub the inside of an enameled saucepan or fondue pot with the garlic clove. Next, grate the cheese (remove rind first). Pour the wine into the fondue pot and bring it to the boil it on the hob, then add the cheese, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Stir in the pepper and when the cheese has melted, add the Kirsch, stirring gently. When the mixture begins to thicken, it is ready to serve. Place over the burner around which your guests are sitting, so that they can dunk their chunks of bread into the fondue and enjoy! Be aware though that according to tradition, if you drop your bread in the pan you have to carry out a dare!

©Syndicat de Défense du Beaufort

©Syndicat de Défense du Beaufort

“Soupe aux cailloux” (Stone soup)

Ingredients: One green cabbage, two potatoes, one leek, three carrots, two turnips, 1/4 of a celeriac, 100 g smoky bacon, 25g butter + two round stones or pebbles (collected from a mountain river for example!)

Parents around the world have told and retold the ‘stone soup’ folktale to their children, but do they know the eponymous recipe behind the tale? Made from vegetables, stone soup is one of the most famous traditional French country recipes. Our ancestors used to put stones in when it came to the boil, which would move in the pan and ‘blend’ the vegetables. This is a particularly clever way of mixing the vegetables, especially when you’re on holiday and you don’t always have blender or food processor to hand! It also offers the added bonus of maintaining the flavour of the vegetables. Chamonix-based Michelin star chef Mickey Bourdillat particularly enjoys preparing this winter dish par excellence. He kindly gave his version of the recipe to the Sherpa supermarket group for their cookery collection.

It is a very easy recipe to follow: roughly chop the vegetables and bacon and put them in the saucepan to sweat in the butter, before covering with water. Add salt and pepper, followed by the stones, and simmer for approximately 4 hours. Chef’s tip: serve with garlic croutons and grated Beaufort.



Carrot, avocado and reblochon salad à l'orange

Ingredients (for four people): 1/2 Reblochon de Savoie, four carrots, one avocado, two oranges, four tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of hazelnut oil, salt and ground pepper.

To disbunk misconceptions about mountain that sticks to your ribs and is hard to digest, here is a recipe from the Syndicat du Reblochon (Union of Reblochon) (www.reblochon.fr), Carrot, avocado and reblochon salad à l'orange. Your guests will love the look and taste of this vitamin-packed and colourful starter, and kids will love it too!

Allow 20 minutes preparation time. Firstly, zest an orange, then cut the carrots julienne style and finely slice the avocado. Put the juice of two freshly squeezed oranges, the olive oil, hazelnut oil, zest, salt and pepper in a salad bowl and whisk together. Cut the Reblochon into squares and add to the orange flavoured vinaigrette, along with the carrots and avocado. Chill until you ready to serve and serve with toasted bread.

©Le PHOTOGRAPHE/ Etienne Heimermann

©Le PHOTOGRAPHE / Etienne Heimermann

Le berthoud à l'Abondance

Ingredients : 500 g of Abondance cheese, two garlic cloves, a pinch of nutmeg, four tablespoons of white Vin de Savoie, four tablespoons of red Chambéry Vermouth, salt and ground pepper and chunks of bread or new potatoes (cooked).

Less well known than tartiflette or Savoyard fondue, berthoud is a typical dish from Chablais in the Haute-Savoie region. It’s a great one to add to your selection of cheese-based specialities. Whilst its main ingredient is not as well known as Reblochon or Beaufort, Abondance is another excellent quality Savoie cheese (Protected designation of origin).

La Marque Savoie, ambassador of the finest Savoie produce, has kindly suggested the following recipe to tantalize your guests’ taste buds: pre-heat the oven to 160 °C, then peel the garlic and use to rub the base of 4 small plates before putting them in the oven. Roughly chop the remaining garlic and divide up into equal amounts. Thinly slice the Abondance and put onto the plates, adding a little pinch of salt and a generous pinch of pepper. Add nutmeg to taste, along with a drop of white Vin de Savoie and the red Chambéry Vermouth. Put under the grill for 10 minutes. Serve bubbling hot with the chunks of bread or new potatoes.

©Pedro Studio

©Pedro Studio


Ingredients: 500 g of potatoes (Dutch bintje or new potatoes), 250 g of Cantal tome cheese, garlic, salt and ground pepper.

This dish is the Auvergne’s take on the Savoyard tartiflette! If you go to there you’ll definitely want to try one of the many different versions of truffade! It is a very easy recipe to follow, making a filling dish that is not difficult to digest.

Peel and slice the potatoes. Sautee them in a casserole dish and season with garlic, salt and pepper. When they are cooked, add the Cantal tome cheese. Mix with a wooden spoon and serve straight away with a green salad and a slice of country ham.

©OT Sancy

©OT Sancy


Ingredients: one green cabbage, 600 to 700 grams of ham hock, 1 kg of potatoes (Cerdagne, Charlotte or Amandine varieties), 500 g of dry haricot beans, a little lard, and two tablespoons of olive oil.

Ouillade or ollada, is a warming dish that will appeal to everyone’s appetite! It is the Catalan version of Auvergne hotpot, made with pork and vegetables. Culinary heritage historian Eliane Comelade has been promoting this traditional Pyrenean recipe to Pyrenean chefs, encouraging them to add it to their menus, raising awareness of the flavoursome, varied and well-balanced Catalan culinary art. For the past 26 years, Eliane Comelade has been running cookery workshops focusing on traditional recipes such as ollada, which is the most well known.

Her recipe: blanche the haricots blancs (or to save time, buy a tin of pre-cooked lingot beans) and the cabbage. When it’s all cooked, put them in the casserole dish with the meat, diced potatoes, lard and mixed herbs, then cover with water. Add the olive oil, put the lid on and leave to simmer for 3/4. Originally it used to be cooked on the coals for three to four hours in an earthenware dish. Some gourmets add slices of grilled black pudding when ready to serve. If you make a large portion and don’t manage to finish it all, fear not, this soup is even better when reheated!

©Lionel Thual

©Lionel Thual

Actumontagne pour France Montagnes

6 unbeatable mountain recipes (2024)


How do you bake at 4000 feet of elevation? ›

Raise the oven temperature by 15 to 25° F. Because goods will bake faster at a higher temperature, set your time for 5 to 8 minutes less per 30 minutes of baking time in the recipe. Increase your liquid. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons at 3000 feet and an additional 1 1/2 teaspoons for every additional 1000 feet of elevation.

Do things bake faster or slower at high altitude? ›

Baking at High Altitudes

Air pressure is lower, so foods take longer to bake. Temperatures and/or bake times may need to be increased. Liquids evaporate faster, so amounts of flour, sugar and liquids may need to be changed to prevent batter that is too moist, dry or gummy. Gases expand more, so doughs rise faster.

Do you add more flour for high altitude? ›

At 3,500 feet, add 1 more tablespoon per recipe. For each additional 1,500 feet, add one more tablespoon. In some recipes, a flour with a higher protein content may yield better results. Additional flour helps to strengthen the structure of baked goods.

What temperature should you adjust at altitude? ›

oven Increase oven temp by 15-25 degrees Evaporation happens more quickly the higher in temperature over 5000 feet.

Is 5000 feet considered high altitude for baking? ›

At 5,000 feet elevation, the air pressure is even lower, and you'll notice the increased rate of evaporation in this drier climate. To adjust for high altitude baking at this elevation, consider the following suggestions: Raise oven temperature by 25 degrees Fahrenheit.

How do you adjust cooking time for high altitude? ›

At altitudes below 1,000 feet, boil foods for 10 minutes. Add an additional minute of boiling time for each additional 1,000 feet elevation (for example, at 3,000 feet, boil for 12 minutes). Spinach and corn should be boiled for 20 minutes at all altitudes. This is due to the high density of these vegetables.

How long to boil potatoes at high altitude? ›

The higher you go in the mountains, add 1 minute of cooking time for every 1000 feet.

Is 3,000 feet considered high altitude? ›

Altitude, like elevation, is the distance above sea level. Areas are often considered "high-altitude" if they reach at least 2,400 meters (8,000 feet) into the atmosphere.

What temperature should my oven be at high altitude? ›

One way to adjust for high altitudes is to increase the heat in your oven when baking. Increase the oven temperature by 15–25ºF when you are 3,500+ ft above sea level. For example, if you are 8,500 ft. above sea level and a recipe calls for you to preheat your oven to 350ºF, you would adjust the temperature to 375º F.

What two cake ingredients must usually be increased at high altitudes? ›

Using the above suggested adjustments, when baking cake at high altitude, consider adding an extra egg to increase the liquid in your recipe, as well as decreasing the sugar to avoid a cake with a sunken center. You can also use bread flour instead of all-purpose flour and decrease the leavening and the fat.

Why are my cookies flat at high altitude? ›

Yeast, baking soda, and baking powder create bubbles of air, carbon dioxide, or water vapor in baked goods called leavening gases. These gases expand quicker when baking at high altitudes, making baked goods rise and fall faster while in the oven, thus creating a dense or flat end product.

Which food is best for high altitude? ›

The best foods and drinks for acclimatising to high altitude
  • Water.
  • Complex carbs like oats.
  • Iron-rich foods like spinach.
  • High-antioxidant foods like berries.
  • Potassium-rich foods like bananas.
  • Lean proteins like lentils.
  • Garlic and ginger.
  • Coriander (cilantro) and cocoa.
Nov 24, 2023

How cold is it at 35,000 feet? ›

At 35,000 ft. (11,000 m), the typical altitude of a commercial jet, the air pressure drops to less than a quarter of its value at sea level, and the outside temperature drops below -60*F (-51*C).

How cold is it at 10,000 feet? ›

From sea level up to 36,000 feet msl, the temperature will likely decrease at a rate of 2° C or 3.5° F for every 1,000 feet gained. At 10,000 feet msl, there will be a standard temperature of -4.8° C or 23.3° F. Keep in mind at sea level, the standard temperature is 15° C or 59° F.

At what altitude does water freeze? ›

The 700 hPa pressure level (or about 3000 m above sea level) is generally assumed as a rough estimate of the freezing level.

What is the conversion for high altitude oven? ›

One way to adjust for high altitudes is to increase the heat in your oven when baking. Increase the oven temperature by 15–25ºF when you are 3,500+ ft above sea level. For example, if you are 8,500 ft. above sea level and a recipe calls for you to preheat your oven to 350ºF, you would adjust the temperature to 375º F.

What are the cooking temperatures at higher altitudes? ›

Even at elevations of 2,000 feet, the temperature of boiling water changes from the standard 212°F at sea level to 208°F. Boiling or simmering foods at high altitude means lower temperatures and longer cooking times. Ensure your food is cooked long enough yet stays moist and full of flavor with these four tips.

How long to cook pasta at high altitude? ›

So at 7,500 feet, you can't get water any hotter than 198 F. Therefore, you need to cook foods a bit longer than you would at sea level. Pasta, for example, may take seven minutes to reach the al dente state at sea level, but it could take nine or 10 minutes to achieve the same result at 3,000 feet.

How to adjust to high altitude? ›

Top 11 High Altitude Tips
  1. Stay below 7,000 feet the first day. ...
  2. Give your body time to adjust. ...
  3. Avoid strenuous exercise on the first day. ...
  4. Limit alcohol and caffeinated beverage intake. ...
  5. Drink more water and replenish electrolytes. ...
  6. Eat more calories. ...
  7. Use sun protection. ...
  8. Bring layers.
Mar 29, 2024

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.