News gathered 2024-08-26 (2024)

Table of Contents
Seattleairport ‘possible cyberattack’ snarls travel yet again ANew Exhibition in Amsterdam Explores the Holocaust Through LootedObjects Daily Deals (8-26-2024) How to EnhanceYour University Club’s Branding InnovativeWays Students Can Stay Informed About Consumer Laws Topic:3 Innovative Career Paths Blockchain and NFTs Might Revolutionize by2025 Intelenlists Morgan Stanley to defend against activist investors Thelimited edition 2024 XOXO Field Notes are available to the public… Krogerand Albertsons’ Dirty Tricks To Preserve Greedflation RareEndangered Lynx Spotted in Vermont for the First Time Since 2018 NASAInvites Public Input on Low Earth Orbit Microgravity Strategy 🚨 New Every Frame a Painting!!🚨 AMD internal datareportedly offered for sale Positron - anupside-down and portable 3D printer Danny Jansen, Double Threat VandalsSpray-Painted Graffiti on Historic Structures at Gettysburg NationalMilitary Park Big Tech’s LLM Betsis Trillion-Dollar Poker Netherlandsfines Uber €290M for improper EU-US driver data transfers School IsBack in Session, But Summer’s Not Over Yet After some taste of fall, summer returns to the north A cold front is finally in store for Texas Heat to intensify in the West Fall will be toasty Lenovolaunches Legion Go accessories including a docking station, controllerconnector, and keyboard Sols4284–4286: Environmental Science Extravaganza HowOur Longest Nerve Orchestrates the Mind-Body Connection Sols 4282-4283:Bumping Away from Kings Canyon SolarPanels for NASA’s Roman Space Telescope Pass Key Tests Telegram, freespeech and illegal activities FBIUses January 6 Rioter’s Self-Published Amazon Book as Evidence AgainstHim Microsoftis bringing annoying Windows 11 Start menu ads to Windows 10 Disposablevape products creating worldwide pollution Nounmodified files remain from original import of OpenBSD WebbFinds Early Galaxies Weren’t Too Big for Their Britches After All Technically,California won’t delay an oil well protection law — but Newsom axesfunding to enforce it HubbleCaptures Unique Ultraviolet View of a Spectacular Star Cluster HubbleCaptures Unique Ultraviolet View of a Spectacular Star Cluster Californiamemorial run honors US service members killed in 2021 Kabul bombing 31.5Minvoices, contracts, patient consent forms, and more exposed to theinternet Here’sthe Pitch Deck for ‘Active Listening’ Ad Targeting YourSoCal weather report for Monday, Aug.26: Warmer weather continuesthrough Tuesday How I automateelectron-to-chromium updates Howto follow the money in local races this election season CaliforniaState University students begin the year with budget cuts Bestthings to do this week in Los Angeles and Southern California: August 26- 29 Biologistsare puzzled over the brown pelican die-off. Here’s how you can help The AmericanWest’s megafires are silencing birds More jobseekersare being haunted by “ghost jobs” The Rising Popularityof Plug-In Hybrids THE TOP FIVE Fire in Rivian factory parking lot damages dozens of vehicles Fauci recovering from West Nile infection Unpacking the rising popularity of plug-in hybrids Aramco invests in CO2-absorbing nanoparticles First of 4,500 defunct EV charging ports gets govt. upgrade THE KICKER Telegram founder arrested inParis Cognizantalleges Infosys swiped its trade secrets Illuminating theNational Archives Building Bargain-huntingboss saw his bonus go up in a puff of self-inflicted smoke Alaskalandslide kills 1,injures 3 in Ketchikan, authorities say Howprogressive, Christian women of color are keeping the faith Today in SCV History(Aug.26) Ones to Watch: Fall Sports Cantando “ThisWhole Other Monster”: Resisting ICE’s “Alternatives to Detention”Program with Mario Perez WhoGets to Live Forever? with Tamara Kneese and Santiago Sanchez Telegram founderand CEO arrested in France AllegedKarakut ransomware scumbag charged in US Indiamisses ten million public WiFi hotspot goal, catchup not lookinglikely Chinaopposes US sanctions on firms with alleged ties to Russia’s warefforts TheWindows Control Panel being “deprecated” isn’t news Virtuoso training clubmeets in Valencia Downwindersfrom world’s 1st atomic test are on a mission to tell their story Don’t feed the troll Soledad Canyonbrush fire halted at 2 acres Sept.18:Latino Business Alliance Hispanic Heritage Celebration NASAwill fly Boeing Starliner crew home with SpaceX, Calamity Capsule deemedtoo risky PrincessCruises Announces Expanded 2026 Caribbean Season Sept.14:Tickets Available for Big Bad Voodoo Daddy CL-32is a DIY pocket computer with a thumb keyboard, E-Ink screen andESP32-S3 chip WallStreet Week Ahead — ‘Super Bowl’ Nvidia earnings stand to test searingAI trade Tomorrow is International DogDay Maybe You’ve Been BrainwashedToo The Cold Truth: ColdBrew vs.Iced Coffee BringOptimistic Content to Your Social Media Feeds The Organ Builder End of Summer Fun! SUSD to HostCommunity Meetings on Facility Needs Start-upincubator Y Combinator backs its first weapons firm Microsoft’sCopilot falsely accuses court reporter of crimes he covered HurricaneHone sweeps past Hawaii, dumping enough rain to ease wildfire fears Daysbefore FBI search, OC supervisor defended his daughter’s nonprofitagainst fraud claims USrapper Macklemore cancels Dubai gig over alleged UAE role in Sudanwar Buyinga PC for local AI? These are the specs that actually matter LEVERWEEKLY: Dark Money Is Blocking Your Ballot Box Podcast: A Whirlwind Tourof DEF CON LongBeach Shark Lab needs $500K in donations to keep shark monitoringprogram afloat Schubert onSunday 9: Elias Quartet play D. 804 Today in SCV History(Aug.25) Gynecologists,patients focus on making procedures less painful Weeksafter floods, Vermont businesses struggling to get visitors toreturn UScrossword fan creates puzzles celebrating Black heritage Kamala’s acceptance speech CulinaryIcon Alice Waters Meets Santa Barbara Elite to Improve How We Eat Person robbed in CanyonCountry I’m Speaking:Kamala Harris Is Seen and Heard StrangerThings: The First Shadow with Audio Description (AD) Full Circle Weekly News 380 Xecast Episode 3: Thecurse of the artist

(date: 2024-08-26 11:43:09)

@Miguel deIcaza Mastondon feed (date: 2024-08-26, from: Miguel de IcazaMastondon feed)

Saw this fish with the Ukrainian flag colors at the aquarium

Seattleairport ‘possible cyberattack’ snarls travel yet again

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The Register (UK I.T.News)

No word yet on if ransomware is to blame

The Port of Seattle, which operates the Seattle-Tacoma InternationalAirport, is investigating a “possible cyberattack” after computeroutages disrupted the airport’s operations and delayed flights.…

ANew Exhibition in Amsterdam Explores the Holocaust Through LootedObjects

date: 2024-08-26, from: Smithsonian Magazine

“Looted” examines how the Nazis systematically plundered Jewishcultural items during World War II

date: 2024-08-26, from: NASA breaking news

NASA and Blue Origin are preparing for the agency’s ESCAPADE (Escapeand Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers) mission, which begins onthe inaugural launch of the company’s New Glenn rocket. The mission willstudy the solar wind’s interaction with the magnetosphere on Mars. BlueOrigin is targeting no earlier than Sunday, Oct.13, for the […]

Daily Deals (8-26-2024)

date: 2024-08-26, from: Liliputing

The annual Intel Gamer Days sale is here, which means that you can scoresavings on select Intel-powered gaming laptops, desktops, handhelds, andaccessories from supporting retailers. But there are also somenoteworthy deals on AMD-powered handheld gaming PCs at the moment, notto mention a bunch of ways to score free or cheap PC […]

The post DailyDeals (8-26-2024) appeared first onLiliputing.

How to EnhanceYour University Club’s Branding

date: 2024-08-26, from: The Sundail (CSUN student paper)

Source:Flickr Strong branding helps attract new members, buildcredibility, and create a lasting impression within the universitycommunity. Yet, many clubs underestimate the power of effective brandingor aren’t sure…

InnovativeWays Students Can Stay Informed About Consumer Laws

date: 2024-08-26, from: The Sundail (CSUN student paper)

(Image created by Copilot) You’ve bought your first car, only to findout it’s a lemon. You feel swindled, right? Knowledge is power. Stayinginformed about consumer laws can save…

Topic:3 Innovative Career Paths Blockchain and NFTs Might Revolutionize by2025

date: 2024-08-26, from: The Sundail (CSUN student paper)

(Image created by Copilot) The career landscape is shifting fasterthan a crypto bull run, and blockchain and NFTs are the catalysts. In2025, these technologies could flip traditional roles…

Intelenlists Morgan Stanley to defend against activist investors

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The Register (UK I.T.News)

Multiple lawsuits doesn’t mean investors are coming for the board yet,but better safe than sorry, right?

Worried shareholders may drag it kicking and screaming into directionsunknown, Intel has reportedly been meeting with advisors to hash out ananti-activist game plan.…

Thelimited edition 2024 XOXO Field Notes are available to the public…

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: Jason Kottke blog

Krogerand Albertsons’ Dirty Tricks To Preserve Greedflation

date: 2024-08-26, from: The Lever News

As Harris vows to tackle grocery store prices, the grocery chains aredoing everything they can to bypass regulators and merge into aprice-gouging behemoth.

RareEndangered Lynx Spotted in Vermont for the First Time Since 2018

date: 2024-08-26, from: Smithsonian Magazine

The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department has only confirmed sevensightings of the wildcats since 2016

NASAInvites Public Input on Low Earth Orbit Microgravity Strategy

date: 2024-08-26, from: NASA breaking news

As NASA and its partners continue to conduct groundbreaking researchaboard the International Space Station, the agency announced Monday itis seeking U.S. industry, academia, international partners, and otherstakeholders’ feedback on newly developed goals and objectives that willhelp guide the next generation of human presence in low Earth orbit.“From the very beginning, […]

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-26, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

Madison Wisconsin Cap Times endorses Kamala Harris.*nt-kamala-harris-for-president/article_9639498e-5e4a-11ef-bc4a-f3cdea54fa8b.html

🚨 New Every Frame a Painting!!🚨

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: Jason Kottke blog

AMD internal datareportedly offered for sale

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The Register (UK I.T.News)

Second sensitive info theft claimed by the same crims since June

Digital data thieves have reportedly breached AMD’s internalcommunications and are offering the allegedly stolen goods for sale.…

Positron - anupside-down and portable 3D printer

date: 2024-08-26, from: Jeff Geerling blog

Positron- an upside-down and portable 3D printer

 <div class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>I've been getting into 3D printing lately. I have an older Ender 3 V2 at home I bought during COVID. And in the past year I've acquired an Ender 3 S1, Bambu Labs P1S, and Prusa MK4.</p>

I alsodovehead-first into 3D CAD, and designed a number of small SBC cases orparts to help with things around the house.

But I’d never built my own 3D printer from a kit—all the printers I’vehad were pre-built and at most, required assembling the prebuilt gantryor toolhead. That finally changed with the Positron V3.2:

 <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><span>Jeff Geerling</span></span>

Danny Jansen, Double Threat

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: One Foot Tsunami

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-26, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

This is a test. Please ignore.

VandalsSpray-Painted Graffiti on Historic Structures at Gettysburg NationalMilitary Park

date: 2024-08-26, from: Smithsonian Magazine

Police have identified a suspect, and preservationists have removed“all traces” of paint

Big Tech’s LLM Betsis Trillion-Dollar Poker

date: 2024-08-26, from: Om Malik blog

Link: The Big Stack Game of LLM Poker / Sarah Tavel TLDR: The AI raceis a high-stakes poker game where tech giants are all in. With more than$600 billion invested and trillions at stake, it’s a battle of deeppockets and nerves. The winner takes all, but the real jackpot?Unprecedented innovation will …

Netherlandsfines Uber €290M for improper EU-US driver data transfers

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The Register (UK I.T.News)

The ride-sharing provider insists it broke no rules during thethree-year legal gap

Privacy authorities in the Netherlands have imposed a €290 million ($324million) fine on ride-share giant Uber for sending driver data toservers in the United States - “a serious violation” of the EU’s GeneralData Protection Regulation (GDPR).…

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-26, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

A lot of new in-car tech is “not necessary,” survey finds.

School IsBack in Session, But Summer’s Not Over Yet

date: 2024-08-26, from: Heatmap News

News gathered 2024-08-26 (1)

This week’s weather forecast is like the Uno reverse card: Texas mightfinally get a break from triple-digit temperatures, but the summer heatis making its way back into the Northeast.

After some taste of fall, summer returns to the north

Those west of the Appalachians might have already started to feel ashift in the air this weekend. After a week of below-averagetemperatures and fall-like weather, heat maps for the Northeasthave gone back to looking very red. Temperatures could run 5 to8 degrees Fahrenheit above average this week, Paul Pastelok, seniormeteorologist at AccuWeather, told me. “Highs will be the low tomid 80s, nights in the upper 50s to lower 60s,” he said.

Philadelphia, which has already started to get warmer, might see evenhigher temperatures, with some days later in the week hitting the low90s. But for those in the state hoping to make the most of the heat byturning it into a beach vacation, I am sorry to say this week willlikely be cloudy from beginning to end.

New England will also see the return of some warmth this week, but it’llbe “slower and less impressive” than other nearby states, according toPastelok. Temperatures there will be closer to average, and will verysoon cool back down.

A cold front is finally in store for Texas

This summer hasn’t been fun for Texas. The unrelenting heat — moreintense there than in any other state — has shattered multipletemperature records, increased wildfire activity, and contributed tosevere drought. Just last week, when most of the country got a taste ofcooler days ahead, the Texas energy gridbrokeits demand record. While it’s still too soon to call off the season ofscorching temperatures, the new week brings some good news.

A strong cold front will bring temperatures down below averageacross northern Texas later this week. Some precipitation inSouth Texas could pull readings a few degrees lower still, Pastelok toldme, even though humidity is expected to remain high. Central Texas hasalready started to get some relief, finally dropping out of the tripledigits this past weekend.

Heat to intensify in the West

Those in the Midwest will have to bear through an increase intemperatures this week. The Great Plains, the MississippiValley, the Ohio Valley and the Great Lakes can all expect temperaturesin the high 80s and mid 90s, Pastelok told me. The heat won’tlast long, though. Starting Thursday, a cold front will startmoving through the region, and temperatures are expected to drop wellbelow average across the Plains and the Midwest for at least a few days.

  • Back to School: This quick but intense heat wave ismaking its way across the Midwest right in time for back to schoolseason. Chicago Public Schools went back into session today with aseries ofheatadaptations in place — athletic games have been canceled untilWednesday and outdoor practices were moved indoors. While in Chicago allclassrooms are equipped with air conditioning, that is not true acrossall of the region. According toTheWashington Post, as heat waves become more constant inthe North, almost 14,000 public schools that did not need AC back in1970 need it today.

In California, the week will be hot and wet. After aseries of storms pass through the state earlier this week, temperatureswill go back to rising. “The Central Valleys of California by late nextweek will be well above average, along with the Desert Southwest,”Pastelok told me. Cities such as Sacramento, Modesto, and Fresno, cansee temperatures above 100 degrees.

Fall will be toasty

According to the National Weather Service’s forecast, the entirecountry will experience above average fall temperatures thisyear. Seriously, I mean the entire country.The hardest hit states will be New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, andthen over on the top of the Northeast, from Maine to New York.

According to AccuWeatherforecasts,for many, fall will feel more like a “second summer” than a new season.In fact, only two states — Washington and Oregon — will see a quicktransition into fall. The rest of the country is, well, doomed.

Not only will fall be hotter, it will also be dryer, raising concernsover increased wildfire risk across California, parts of the Great Lakesand the Northeast. Severe weather, such as tropical storms andhurricanes, will alsodefinethe season. AccuWeather has predicted six to 10 storms to hit thecountry from this week through the end of September alone.

For snow lovers such as myself, it seems like flakes might not make anappearance until November, and only in some of the coldest spots in thenorthern Plains, Rockies, and Upper Midwest.

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The Register (UK I.T.News)

A few lines of Python is all it takes to get a model to use a calculatoror even automate your hypervisor

Hands on Let’s say you’re tasked with solving a mathproblem like 4,242 x 1,977. Some of you might be able to do this in yourhead, but most of us would probably be reaching for a calculator rightabout now, not only because it’s faster, but also to minimize thepotential for error.…

@Miguel deIcaza Mastondon feed (date: 2024-08-26, from: Miguel de IcazaMastondon feed)

Schedule our flu and Covid shots for this Thursday!


Lenovolaunches Legion Go accessories including a docking station, controllerconnector, and keyboard

date: 2024-08-26, from: Liliputing

Nearly a year after introducing the Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PCwith an 8.8 inch, 144 Hz display, an AMD Ryzen Z1 Extreme processor, anda set of detachable controllers, Lenovo is expanding the ecosystem witha series of new accessories for the Legion Go. Those accessories includean official USB-C dock, carrying case, […]

The postLenovolaunches Legion Go accessories including a docking station, controllerconnector, and keyboard appeared first onLiliputing.

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-26, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

The NYT isn't trying to make us love Trump, that's impossible. Butthey are trying to make us not fall in love with Harris.

Sols4284–4286: Environmental Science Extravaganza

date: 2024-08-26, from: NASA breaking news

Earth planning date: Friday, Aug.23, 2024 One of the many challengesof operating a rover on another planet is that we don’t always knowwhere we’re going to be located before planning starts each day.Although we do plan our drives in advance, Curiosity doesn’t blindlyfollow the orders that we deliver. If an […]

HowOur Longest Nerve Orchestrates the Mind-Body Connection

date: 2024-08-26, from: Quanta Magazine

Like a highway system, the vagus nerve branches profusely from yourbrain through your organs to marshal bodily functions, including aspectsof mind such as mood, pleasure and fear.

The postHowOur Longest Nerve Orchestrates the Mind-Body Connection firstappeared onQuantaMagazine

Sols 4282-4283:Bumping Away from Kings Canyon

date: 2024-08-26, from: NASA breaking news

Earth planning date: Wednesday, Aug.21, 2024 Having stayed in placefor quite a few sols during our Kings Canyon drill campaign, we’relooking forward to doing a bump (ie: a short drive) and accomplishingsome science in a new region. I’m on the SA-SPaH (ie: robotic arm)downlink team, which assess and reports on […]

SolarPanels for NASA’s Roman Space Telescope Pass Key Tests

date: 2024-08-26, from: NASA breaking news

NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope’s Solar Array Sun Shield hassuccessfully completed recent tests, signaling that the assembly is ontrack to be completed on schedule. The panels are designed to power andshade the observatory, enabling all the mission’s observations andhelping keep the instruments cool. The Roman team has two sets of[…]

Telegram, freespeech and illegal activities

date: 2024-08-26, from: Marketplace Morning Report

Over the weekend, French authorities arrested the 39-year-old founder ofthe messaging app Telegram. This reportedly has to do with awide-ranging investigation into illegal activity on the app. But someare decrying the arrest as a free speech violation – saying it threatensthe very essence of what makes Telegram useful. We dig in. Plus, aneco-friendly concert and a look at how bond markets are responding tosignals of interest rate cuts.

FBIUses January 6 Rioter’s Self-Published Amazon Book as Evidence AgainstHim

date: 2024-08-26, from: 404 Media Group

The Kindle book has been taken down by Amazon but the author’schildren’s books remain up.

Microsoftis bringing annoying Windows 11 Start menu ads to Windows 10

date: 2024-08-26, from: OS News

Earlier this year, Microsoft introduceda so-called “Account Manager”for Windows 11that appears on the screen when you click your profilepicture on the Start menu. Instead of just showing you buttons forlogging out, locking your device or switching profiles, it displaysMicrosoft 365 ads. All the actually useful buttons are now hidden behinda three-dot submenu (apparently, my 43-inch display does not have enoughspace to accommodate them). Now, the “Account Manager” is coming toWindows 10 users. ↫ Taras Buria at Neowin Yes, this is a really small adint he grand scheme of things, but the mere concept of my operatingsystem showing me all kinds of ads and upsells, as both Windows andmacOS have been doing aggressively for years now, is so deeply offensiveto me. It shows such utter disrespect to me as a user, and shows thatMicrosoft and Apple see me not as an end user, but as a ripe plum readyto be bled dry at every turn. It’s revolting. As the latest release,Windows 11 has always been the most ad-ridden of the Windows releasesstill in use, but it seems Windows users can’t escape the onslaughteither. I’m especially expecting ever more aggressive ads and upsellsfor Windows 11 to appear in Windows 10 now that the 2025 cutoff date forWindows 10 support is nearing, of course appearing at the mostinopportune times – because everybody loves a giant fullscreen ad onyour operating system when you’re trying to give a presentation or meetthat tight deadline you forced yourself yo stress about by playing a bittoo much League of Legends. If you want an ad- and upsell-free operatingsystem, your options are legion – there’s countless Linux distributionsand the various BSDs to choose from.

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-26, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

Imagine the NYT were narrating this moment. When we win they don'treport it.

Disposablevape products creating worldwide pollution

date: 2024-08-26, from: VOA News USA

The rapid rise in disposable electronic cigarette, or vape, usage iscreating a tidal wave of pollution, and it’s raising seriousenvironmental concerns. Aron Ranen reports from New York City about onewoman who is trying to make a difference.

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-26, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

"We suspect Trump’s team has not even told their boss about thisdispute because it would be too embarrassing to admit they don’t thinkhe can handle himself.."

Nounmodified files remain from original import of OpenBSD

date: 2024-08-26, from: OS News

The greek quiz is so obscure that it is ridiculous — noone can playthis. Replace it with a new quiz about galley (ship) parts. This commitchanges the LAST UNMODIFIED ORIGINAL FILE (meaning revision the original import that created OpenBSD on Oct 18, 1995. With thiscommit, we have completed an amusing mission of replacing the finalparts of the original OpenBSD. We have reached OpenBSD of Theseus. ↫Theo de Raadt With this change to a quiz game in OpenBSD, every singlefile of the OpenBSD code base is newer than that first, original import.Now I’m curious to see which other projects have achieved thismilestone, and when.

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-26, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

The NYT et al aren't even doing a fair job of covering the electionas a horserace, because they're making sure it's a virtual tie, so evenif our team has overwhelming power…

WebbFinds Early Galaxies Weren’t Too Big for Their Britches After All

date: 2024-08-26, from: NASA breaking news

It got called the crisis in cosmology. But now astronomers canexplain some surprising recent discoveries. When astronomers got theirfirst glimpses of galaxies in the early universe from NASA’s James WebbSpace Telescope, they were expecting to find galactic pipsqueaks, butinstead they found what appeared to be a bevy of Olympic bodybuilders.Some […]

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-26, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

The Twitter API still works. It is useful for cross-posting, but noteasily incorporated into indie developer's products, but useful forindividuals with developer accounts.

Technically,California won’t delay an oil well protection law — but Newsom axesfunding to enforce it

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The LAist

The governor backed off his controversial plan to extend deadlinesfor oil and gas operators to comply with a new law on wells.

HubbleCaptures Unique Ultraviolet View of a Spectacular Star Cluster

date: 2024-08-26, from: NASA breaking news

Roughly 210,000 light-years away, the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) isone of our Milky Way galaxy’s closest neighbors. In fact, this smallgalaxy is one of the Milky Way’s “satellite” galaxies, which orbit ourhome spiral galaxy. Nested within the SMC is this spectacular starcluster, known as NGC 346. Its hot stars unleash a […]

HubbleCaptures Unique Ultraviolet View of a Spectacular Star Cluster

date: 2024-08-26, from: NASA breaking news

Roughly 210,000 light-years away, the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) isone of our Milky Way galaxy’s closest neighbors. In fact, this smallgalaxy is one of the Milky Way’s “satellite” galaxies, which orbit ourhome spiral galaxy. Nested within the SMC is this spectacular starcluster, known as NGC 346. Its hot stars unleash a […]

Californiamemorial run honors US service members killed in 2021 Kabul bombing

date: 2024-08-26, from: VOA News USA

A memorial run has been held in Simi Valley, California to honor 13U.S. service members killed three years ago during a suicide bombing asU.S. troops were withdrawing from Afghanistan. VOA’s Genia Dulotattended this year’s run and spoke to two Gold Star families as well asthe event organizer, whose son survived the attack at the Kabulairport.

31.5Minvoices, contracts, patient consent forms, and more exposed to theinternet

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The Register (UK I.T.News)

Unprotected database with 12 years of biz records yanked offline

Exclusive Nearly 2.7 TB of sensitive data — 31.5million invoices, contracts, HIPPA patient consent forms, and otherbusiness documents regarding numerous companies across industries — hasbeen exposed to the public internet in a non-password protected databasefor an unknown amount of time.…

Here’sthe Pitch Deck for ‘Active Listening’ Ad Targeting

date: 2024-08-26, from: 404 Media Group

404 Media previously reported Cox Media Group (CMG) was advertising aservice that claimed to target ads based on what potential customerssaid near device microphones. Now, here is the pitch deck CMG sent toprospective companies. Google has kicked CMG off its Partner Program inresponse.

YourSoCal weather report for Monday, Aug.26: Warmer weather continuesthrough Tuesday

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The LAist

Forecasters say the weekend warming trend continues through Tuesday,followed by a normal weather pattern.

How I automateelectron-to-chromium updates

date: 2024-08-26, from: Kilian Valkhof’s blog

For the past 6 or so years I’ve been maintaining theelectron-to-chromium package and I realise I never wrote a blog postabout it. Electron-to-chromium is an NPM package that maps Electronversions to Chromium versions so you can input e.g.Electron 32 and getback Chrome 128. This is useful because a lot of […]

The postHowI automate electron-to-chromium updates first appeared onKilian Valkhof.

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-26, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

Kamala Harris and the strategy of joy.

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-26, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

Pro-Trump "Undecided" Panelist Says CNN Knew He Supported Trump.

Howto follow the money in local races this election season

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The LAist

Campaigns are in full swing ahead of the Nov.5 election — who’sspending all that money in Southern California to sway your vote?

CaliforniaState University students begin the year with budget cuts

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The LAist

Officials say a state funding deficit will affect class offerings andstudent support.

Bestthings to do this week in Los Angeles and Southern California: August 26- 29

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The LAist

Free comedy night at NeueHouse, Alison Saar at the Getty, Bayou jamsin San Juan Capistrano, and more.

Biologistsare puzzled over the brown pelican die-off. Here’s how you can help

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The LAist

Earlier this year, hundreds of the seabirds were starving to death inCalifornia.

The AmericanWest’s megafires are silencing birds

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The LAist

One sound index used to monitor biodiversity fell by as much as 15%following particularly smoky days, according to a new study.

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-26, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

Must-read thread, expands on theme of podcast I linked toearlier.

More jobseekersare being haunted by “ghost jobs”

date: 2024-08-26, from: Marketplace Morning Report

Last week’s jobless numbers revealed that more than 1.8 million peoplewere drawing unemployment. Among the irks for would-be workers? Afrustrating uptick in the number of “ghost jobs,” or postings that stayup on jobs sites for months on end without a hire. Also on the show: amoment of clarity on the future of interest rates and the sunsetting ofa free COVID-19 vaccine program for uninsured adults.

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-26, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

How Kamala Wins: Inside the Clever Strategy Causing Trump to Unravel.I listen to this podcast every day.

The Rising Popularityof Plug-In Hybrids

date: 2024-08-26, from: Heatmap News

News gathered 2024-08-26 (2)

Current conditions: The Midwest is bracing for abrutal heat wave • California’s Sierra Nevada mountain range received adusting of snow over the weekend • It will be 85 degrees and cloudytoday in Flushing Meadows for the start of the U.S. Open tennischampionship.


  1. Fire in Rivian factory parking lot damages dozens of vehicles

A firebrokeout in the parking lot at Rivian’s Normal, Illinois, plant onSaturday, damaging dozens of cars before being extinguished. The plantit*elf was not affected, according to the Normal Fire Department, and noone was injured. The source of the blaze is under investigation.Rivian’s Normal factory produces all of the EV company’s current models.Last week Rivian got the city’s approval to expand the plant by about1.3 million square feet to manufacture the upcoming mass-market R2 SUV.EVs catch fire less often than gas-powered cars, but they burn hotterand are harder to put out once alight.

  1. Fauci recovering from West Nile infection

Dr.Anthony Fauci, the former director of the NationalInstitute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is recovering from WestNile Virus, a spokeswomansaid.Fauci was hospitalized with fever, chills, and fatigue but is now athome and is expected to make a full recovery. According to Dr.JonathanLaPook, the chief medical correspondent for CBS News, Fauci thinks hewas infected after being bitten by a mosquito in his backyard. West Nileis the most common mosquito-borne disease in the United States,accordingto the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. So far this year216 cases have been confirmed. About one in five infected people developsymptoms.Accordingto the Environmental Protection Agency, climate change is one ofmany factors that increase the risk of human exposure to West Nile byaccelerating mosquito development, biting rates, and disease incubation.

  1. Unpacking the rising popularity of plug-in hybrids

The Wall Street Journalexploreswhat’s going on with plug-in hybrid cars, which have been on the marketfor more than a decade but are experiencing a bit of a revival as oflate. The number of models on sale in the U.S. has nearly doubled overthe last five years, to 47, and sales were up 60% in the U.S. in thefirst quarter of 2024. While conventional hybrids come with a smallbattery and motor that helps power the car’s engine to reduce fuel use,plug-in hybrids have a bigger battery that’s strong enough to run thevehicle exclusively on electricity for a little while before the gasengine takes over. The recent rise in sales is attributed in part toautomakers being forced to comply with new tailpipe emissions rules, anddrivers being EV curious but not quite ready to abandon gas entirely.“Plug-in hybrids balance the need to reduce vehicle emissions and offerconsumers an entry point to electrified vehicles,” a Stellantisspokesperson told the Journal. GM is bringing backplug-in hybrids in 2027 after axing the Chevrolet Volt. Toyota,Volkswagen, and Ford are all either considering rolling out a plug-inhybrid in the U.S. or expanding existing lineups.

  1. Aramco invests in CO2-absorbing nanoparticles

A U.K.-based startup called Promethean Particles recentlyclosedan £8 million ($10.5 million) Series A funding round to make tiny, superabsorbent particles that the company says cansoakup greenhouse gases. Promethean Particles produces metal-organicframeworks (MOFs), which are “composed of metal ions interconnected byorganic molecules to form a porous, lattice-like structure.” Thesenanoparticles have huge surface area, and the size of their pores can becustomized to trap different gases and liquids. So the technology isbeing eyed as an option for capturing carbon at source for storage andtransport, but like many CCS technologies, it is very expensive. Thecompany’s MOFs are alreadybeingused in a prototype project in the U.K. Promethean Particles willuse the new funding round (which was led in part by Aramco Ventures) tocreate a bigger manufacturing facility and work to improveaffordability.

  1. First of 4,500 defunct EV charging ports gets govt. upgrade

In case you missed it last week: The U.S. Joint Officeof Energy and Transportation recentlygotto work on its mission to repair roughly 4,500 EV charging portsacross the country. It’s starting with an out-of-service chargingstation in Washington, D.C., that will get new infrastructure and addedcharging capacity at faster speeds. The upgrades are made possible by a$150 million grant program through the National Electric VehicleInfrastructure Formula Program, which was created as part of theBipartisan Infrastructure Law.


Almost all (97%) of the new electricity generation capacity the U.S.added in the first half of 2024 came fromcarbon-freesources including wind, solar, battery storage, and nuclear.

Telegram founder arrested inParis

date: 2024-08-26, from: Marketplace Morning Report

From the BBC World Service: Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO ofmessaging platform Telegram, was arrested in France for allowing a widerange of crimes to take place on the platform due to insufficientmoderation. Then, a “right to disconnect” law comes into force inAustralia. We’ll hear how employees are feeling about the change. Plus,English band Massive Attack performed in Bristol —without the use ofdiesel generators.

Cognizantalleges Infosys swiped its trade secrets

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The Register (UK I.T.News)

Sueball suggests outsourcer went out of bounds by developing competingproduct

A subsidiary of IT outsourcer Cognizant filed a lawsuit on Friday inTexas federal court alleging that rival Infosys was involved in stealingtrade secrets and engaging in anticompetitive behavior.…

Illuminating theNational Archives Building

date: 2024-08-26, from: National Archives, Pieces of History blog

Seventy years ago, the National Archives Building’s exterior wasilluminated for the very first time. While severalother Washington,DC, landmarks were illuminated, the National Archives Building stooddark every night for the first 19 years it was open. Although JohnRussell Pope, the building’s architect, had made plans for exteriorlighting, a lack of funds …Continuereading Illuminating the NationalArchives Building

Bargain-huntingboss saw his bonus go up in a puff of self-inflicted smoke

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The Register (UK I.T.News)

Buying PCs off the gray market can (literally) blow up in your face

Who, Me? Welcome, gentle reader, to another Mondaymorning. We here at The Reg hope your working week is startingwell – or at least better than it went for the protagonist of thisweek’s instalment of Who, Me?…

Alaskalandslide kills 1,injures 3 in Ketchikan, authorities say

date: 2024-08-26, from: VOA News USA

ANCHORAGE, Alaska —One person was killed and three were injured by alandslide that prompted a mandatory evacuation in the Alaska city ofKetchikan, authorities said.

Three people were transported to Ketchikan Medical Center followingthe landslide, which struck around 4 p.m. Sunday and damaged homes andinfrastructure, the Ketchikan Gateway Borough and City of Ketchikan saidin a joint statement Sunday.

Alaska Gov.Mike Dunleavy declared an emergency for Ketchikan, whileBorough Mayor Rodney Dial and city Mayor Dave Kiffer issued a separateemergency declaration.

“Friends, is with a heavy heart we relay that a landslide in the cityhas taken a life, caused several injuries, damaged homes and impactedour community,” Dial said in the statement.

Kiffer said the loss of life was “heartbreaking, and my heart goesout to those who lost their homes.”

“In my 65 years in Ketchikan, I have never seen a slide of thismagnitude. With the slides we have seen across the region, there isclearly a region-wide issue that we need to try to understand with thesupport of our State geologist,” Kiffer said.

Two of the victims were admitted to the hospital and one was treatedand released. All other individuals have been accounted for, thestatement said.

Multiple homes were impacted by the landslide and a mandatoryevacuation was ordered for residents of Third Avenue and nearby streets,while a shelter was set up at Ketchikan High School, the borough andcity said.

A potential secondary landslide area was identified to the south ofthe original slide location and crews were standing by, the statementsaid.

Howprogressive, Christian women of color are keeping the faith

date: 2024-08-26, from: VOA News USA

Today in SCV History(Aug.26)

date: 2024-08-26, from: SCV New (TV Station)

1873 – Vasquez gang raids Tres Pinos (San Benito Co.); hotelier iskilled, for which Vasquez later hangs [story

Ones to Watch: Fall Sports

date: 2024-08-26, from: The Sundail (CSUN student paper)

It’s a new year for CSUN athletics and that means some fresh facesand familiar names are back for another season. Men’s and women’s socceras well as women’s volleyball…


date: 2024-08-26, from: The Sundail (CSUN student paper)

Once you have found your ideal study spot either on or off campus,you will likely want some music to help boost your productivity. FromLoFi to alternative, here are…

“ThisWhole Other Monster”: Resisting ICE’s “Alternatives to Detention”Program with Mario Perez

date: 2024-08-26, from: Logic Magazine

 <p>“Let’s call it for what it is: they’re not there to support you, they’re there to deport you.”</p>

WhoGets to Live Forever? with Tamara Kneese and Santiago Sanchez

date: 2024-08-26, from: Logic Magazine

 <p>“The entire fantasy of living for much longer only makes sense if you have that kind of extreme wealth or if you believe that you have the capacity to achieve it.”</p>

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The Register (UK I.T.News)

It needs to – Virtzilla’s customers, allies, and enemies are allpondering off-ramps and trying to lure unhappy users

VMware Explore Adopting – or increasing the use of – aproprietary computing architecture like IBM’s POWER is a very nichething to do in 2024. Yet in June, Big Blue suggested doing just that:employing its single-supplier stack as a replacement for the VMwarestack.…

Telegram founderand CEO arrested in France

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The Register (UK I.T.News)

Rumors swirl that lack of content moderation has angered authorities

The founder and CEO of made-in-Russia messaging app Telegram, PavelDurov, was arrested in France on Saturday – and subjected to furtherdetention the next day – apparently over his company’s failure to followcontent moderation laws and assist with several criminalinvestigations.…

@Miguel deIcaza Mastondon feed (date: 2024-08-26, from: Miguel de IcazaMastondon feed)

Looks like everyone was at xoxofest, need to book tickets for next yearand see what the excitement is all about.

AllegedKarakut ransomware scumbag charged in US

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The Register (UK I.T.News)

Plus: Microsoft issues workaround for dual-boot crashes; ARRL cops toransom payment, and more

Infosec in brief Deniss Zolotarjovs, a suspectedmember of the Russian Karakurt ransomware gang, has been charged in a UScourt with allegedly conspiring to commit money laundering, wire fraudand Hobbs Act extortion.…

Indiamisses ten million public WiFi hotspot goal, catchup not lookinglikely

date: 2024-08-26, updated: 2024-08-26, from: The Register (UK I.T.News)

Plus: Glowing reports for f*ckushima wastewater; New datacenters in Fiji,Malaysia & South Korea; and more

ASIA IN BRIEF India’s Telecom Regulatory Authoritylast Friday admitted the nation has fallen “much below” its target todeploy ten million public Wi-Fi hotspots by 2022, and a further goal of50 million hotspots by 2030 is in peril.…

Chinaopposes US sanctions on firms with alleged ties to Russia’s warefforts

date: 2024-08-25, from: VOA News USA

Beijing —China on Sunday expressed its opposition to the latest U.S.sanctions on Chinese companies over their alleged ties to Russia’s warin Ukraine, saying it will adopt necessary measures to safeguard therights and interests of the country’s businesses.

The U.S. announced Friday sweeping sanctions on hundreds of firms inRussia and across Europe, Asia and the Middle East, accusing them ofproviding products and services that enable Russia’s war effort andaiding its ability to evade sanctions. The U.S. Department of State saidit was concerned by “the magnitude of dual-use goods exports” from Chinato Russia.

The Ministry of Commerce in China in its statement firmly opposed theU.S. putting multiple Chinese companies on its export control list. Themove bars such companies from trading with U.S. firms without gaining anearly unobtainable special license.

The ministry said the U.S. action was “typical unilateral sanctions,”saying they would disrupt global trade orders and rules, as well asaffect the stability of the global industrial and supply chains.

“China urges the U.S. to immediately stop its wrong practices andwill take necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimaterights and interest of Chinese companies,” it said.

The U.S. action is the latest in a series of thousands of U.S.sanctions that have been imposed on Russian firms and their suppliers inother nations since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Theeffectiveness of the sanctions has been questioned, especially as Russiahas continued to support its economy by selling oil and gas oninternational markets.

According to the U.S. State Department, some China-based companiessupplied machine tools and components to Russia companies.

China has tried to position itself as neutral in the Ukraineconflict, but it shares with Russia high animosity toward the West.

After Western countries imposed heavy sanctions on Russian oil inresponse to Russia sending troops into Ukraine in February 2022, Chinastrongly stepped up its purchase of Russian oil, increasing itsinfluence in Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin also underlinedthe importance of China by meeting in Beijing with Chinese leader XiJinping soon after being inaugurated for a fifth term in theKremlin.

TheWindows Control Panel being “deprecated” isn’t news

date: 2024-08-25, from: OS News

Virtually every tech media outlet has been reporting that Microsoftis deprecating the Control Panel in Windows as if that’s some sort ofbig revelation we should be outraged about. They’re basing this on thefollowing, now changed, paragraph someone found buried deep in a Windowssupport site somewhere: The Control Panel is a feature that’s been partof Windows for a long time. It provides a centralized location to viewand manipulate system settings and controls. Through a series ofapplets, you can adjust various options ranging from system time anddate to hardware settings, network configurations, and more. The ControlPanel is in the process of being deprecated in favor of the Settingsapp, which offers a more modern and streamlined experience. ↫ Windowssupport website It seems the sudden avalanche of articles about thisspooked Microsoft, because when you open the same website now, that lastline instead reads: Many of the settings in Control Panel are in theprocess of being migrated to theSettingsapp, which offers a moremodern and streamlined experience. ↫ Windows support website The ideathat the Control Panel is being “deprecated” is not exactly a new one;it’s been an ongoing process since the release of Windows 8, twelveyears ago now. With every new Windows release, more Control Panelapplets are removed in favour of expanding the Settings application, toa point where few regular users have a need to open it directly.Settings still does rely on old Control Panel applets, though, and itwon’t take you many clicks through Settings to end up at a classicapplet. So, while directly opening the Control Panel might not be acommon thing people do, using classic applets sure is. Microsoft may bechanging the verbiage of its support page to remove the word“deprecated”, but that ain’t fooling anyone: the Control Panel hasalready been gutted beyond recognition, and it’s definitely in theprocess of being deprecated – in true Microsoft fashion, it’s justtaking them a really long time, because nobody inside Microsoft seems toreally care about Windows anymore.

Virtuoso training clubmeets in Valencia

date: 2024-08-25, from: The Signal

Every Saturday morning Ward Ventanilla and his Virtuoso team get upbefore 8 a.m. to run through the trails in Valencia. Ventanilla is theone responsible for the new Virtuoso […]

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Downwindersfrom world’s 1st atomic test are on a mission to tell their story

date: 2024-08-25, from: VOA News USA

Don’t feed the troll

date: 2024-08-25, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog

Trump says abortion legislation should be left to states.

Soledad Canyonbrush fire halted at 2 acres

date: 2024-08-25, from: The Signal

A 2-acre brush fire that broke out between Soledad Canyon Road and CampPlenty Road Sunday afternoon was quickly halted, according toSupervising Fire Dispatcher Bernard Peters of the L.A. […]

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Sept.18:Latino Business Alliance Hispanic Heritage Celebration

date: 2024-08-25, from: SCV New (TV Station)

The Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce Latino Business Alliancewill host an inspiring evening on Sept.18, 5:30-8 p.m. at Hart &Main for the Hispanic Heritage Celebration.

@Tomosino’s Mastodon feed (date:2024-08-25, from: Tomosino’s Mastodon feed)

Tim Curry made an album in 1979. Now it’s mine! Muahaha

NASAwill fly Boeing Starliner crew home with SpaceX, Calamity Capsule deemedtoo risky

date: 2024-08-25, updated: 2024-08-25, from: The Register (UK I.T.News)

Eight days going on eight months for pilots stuck on orbiting spacestation

+Comment NASA has decided the Boeing Starliner pilotsstuck on the International Space Station will return to Earth in aSpaceX Crew Dragon pod next year – after the US agency’s engineers couldnot clear the Starliner’s thrusters for the return trip.…

PrincessCruises Announces Expanded 2026 Caribbean Season

date: 2024-08-25, from: SCV New (TV Station)

Princess Cruises, headquartered in Valencia, has announced itslargest summer Caribbean cruise season ever for 2026, with two ships,Regal Princess and Caribbean Princess, departing from Ft.Lauderdale/Port Everglades and Port Canaveral respectively

Sept.14:Tickets Available for Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

date: 2024-08-25, from: SCV New (TV Station)

Tickets are available for purchase for the Big Bad Voodoo Daddyperformance scheduled for Saturday, Sept.14, at 8 p.m. at the SantaClarita Performing Arts Center at College of the Canyons

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-25, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

"We have no visibility into the inner workings of the NYT. We can'tvote them out of office. We can't even rebut them. They rarely carryopposing opinions."

CL-32is a DIY pocket computer with a thumb keyboard, E-Ink screen andESP32-S3 chip

date: 2024-08-25, from: Liliputing

The CL-32 is a work-in-progress pocket-sized PC that combines modernhardware with classic design inspired by systems from the 1980s like theTRS-80 Pocket Computer. While some details haven’t been finalized yet,the basic elements include an ESP32-S3 system-on-a-chip combined with asmall E Ink display and a custom printed circuit board with a QWERTY […]

The postCL-32is a DIY pocket computer with a thumb keyboard, E-Ink screen andESP32-S3 chip appeared first onLiliputing.

WallStreet Week Ahead — ‘Super Bowl’ Nvidia earnings stand to test searingAI trade

date: 2024-08-25, from: VOA News USA

New York —The rally in U.S. stocks faces an important test […] withearnings from chipmaking giant Nvidia NVDA.O, whose blistering run haspowered markets throughout 2024.

The S&P 500 .SPX has pared a sharp drop it suffered after U.S.economic worries contributed to a sell-off at the beginning of the monthand again stands near a fresh all-time high.

Nvidia, whose chips are widely seen as the gold standard inartificial intelligence, has been at the forefront of that rally,jumping by more than 30% since its recent lows. The stock is up some150% year-to-date, accounting for around a quarter of the S&P 500’s17% year-to-date gain.

The company’s Aug.28 earnings report, coupled with guidance onwhether it expects corporate investments in AI to continue, could be akey inflection point for market sentiment heading into what ishistorically a volatile time of the year. The S&P 500 has fallen inSeptember by an average of 0.78% since World War Two, the worstperformance of any month, according to CFRA data.

“Nvidia is the zeitgeist stock today,” said Mike Smith, a portfoliomanager at Allspring Global Investments, which holds the company’sshares in its portfolios. “You can think of their earnings four times ayear as the Super Bowl.”

Some investors are getting ready for fireworks. Traders are pricingin a swing of around 10.3% in Nvidia’s shares the day after the companyreports earnings, according to data from options analytic firm ORATS.That’s larger than the expected move ahead of any Nvidia report over thelast three years and well above the stock’s average post-earnings moveof 8.1% over that same period, ORATS data showed.

The results come at the end of an earnings season during whichinvestors have taken a less forgiving view of big tech companies whoseearnings failed to justify rich valuations or prodigious spending on AI.Examples include Microsoft MSFT.O, Tesla TSLA.O and Alphabet GOOGL.O,whose shares are all down since their July reports.

Nvidia’s valuations have also climbed, as the stock soared about 750%since the start of 2023, making it the world’s third-most valuablecompany as of Thursday, while also drawing comparisons to the dotcombubble of more than two decades ago. The company’s shares trade at about37 times forward 12-month earnings estimates, compared with a 20-yearaverage of 29 times, according to LSEG Datastream.

Market sentiment could depend as much on Nvidia’s guidance as itsresults. Evidence that it sees robust demand will be a bullish sign thatcompanies are continuing to invest rather than pull back in anticipationof an economic slowdown, said Matt Stucky, chief portfolio manager,equities, at Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management.

Nvidia’s “connection to the largest companies in the U.S. stockmarket makes this a must-watch event,” he said. “The biggest piece thatinvestors want to know is whether there is sustainability and whatdemand will look like in ’25 and ’26,” he said.

The trajectory of monetary policy and the U.S. economy also loomslarge for investors. In a Friday morning speech in Jackson Hole,Wyoming, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell offered an explicitendorsem*nt of interest rate cuts, saying further cooling in the jobmarket would be unwelcome.

Investors will be watching U.S. labor market data on Sept.6 forevidence of whether last month’s unexpected downshift in employmentcarried over to August. Signs that employment is continuing to weakencould bring back the recession fears that rocked markets earlier thismonth.

A tight presidential race between Vice President Kamala Harris, aDemocrat, and Republican former President Donald Trump may also whip upmarket uncertainty in the weeks ahead.

The August surge in stocks may make it difficult for markets to makemuch more headway in the near term even if Nvidia’s earnings impressWall Street, said John Belton, a portfolio manager at Gabelli Funds,which holds shares of the chipmaker.

The S&P 500 trades at 21 times expected earnings, far above itslong-term average of 15.7.

“The stock market as a whole is still trading at stretched valuationsso the bar remains high,” Belton said.

Tomorrow is International DogDay

date: 2024-08-25, from: The Signal

Top Breeds rated by state American families adore their four-leggedcompanions. Approximately two-thirds of U.S. households own a dog, and astaggering 85% of dog owners consider their pets a […]

The postTomorrowis International Dog Day appeared first onSanta Clarita Valley Signal.

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-25, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

Walt Mossberg: "Journalists have one core job: to tell the truth,especially when it’s clear. The staff of the NY Times has done it in thepast, even at great risk. Why don’t they do it now?"

Maybe You’ve Been BrainwashedToo

date: 2024-08-25, from: Tedium site

Pondering “You Get What You Give,” the one-hit wonder recorded by aguy smart enough to realize that it would be a one-hit wonder. It’s asurvival story.

The Cold Truth: ColdBrew vs.Iced Coffee

date: 2024-08-25, from: The Signal

Cold brew and iced coffee are the go-to choices for those seeking arefreshing caffeine fix. But what sets these two beloved beveragesapart? Lisette Gaviña Lopez, fourth-generation coffee roaster […]

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BringOptimistic Content to Your Social Media Feeds

date: 2024-08-25, from: The Signal

For many Gen Z-ers, scrolling on social media has become a primarysource of entertainment and a tool for staying connected. In fact, themajority of Gen Z Americans report […]

The postBringOptimistic Content to Your Social Media Feeds appeared first onSanta Clarita Valley Signal.

The Organ Builder

date: 2024-08-25, from: Doc Searls (at Harvard), New Old Blog

On the right is the high school yearbook picture of Allan John Ontko,one of my best friends during the three years we were classmates at whatI half-jokingly call a Lutheran academic correctional institution.Because that’s what it was for me. For most of the boys there, however,it was a seminary. Allan, then […]

End of Summer Fun!

date: 2024-08-25, from: The Signal

The three-day Labor Day Weekend is considered the unofficial end of“summer” because kids are back in school and summer vacation season iswinding down. The calendar lists Sept.22 […]

The post Endof Summer Fun! appeared first onSanta Clarita Valley Signal.

SUSD to HostCommunity Meetings on Facility Needs

date: 2024-08-25, from: SCV New (TV Station)

The Governing Board of the Saugus Union School District approvedResolution 2024-2025 #15 in a special meeting held on Thursday, Aug.1ordering a school facilities bond measure be placed on the Nov.5, 2024ballot

Start-upincubator Y Combinator backs its first weapons firm

date: 2024-08-25, from: Ben Werdmuller’s blog

<div class="known-bookmark"> <div class="e-content">

[GeorgeHammond at the Financial Times]

“Y Combinator, the San Francisco start-up incubator that launchedAirbnb, Reddit, Stripe and Coinbase, is backing a weapons company forthe first time, entering a sector it has previously shunned.”

Specifically, its a low-cost cruise missile startup, which the FinancialTimes reports would be suitable for use in a potential war between theUS and China. The cruise missiles are 10x smaller and 10x cheaper thantoday’s alternatives, but presumably still murder people.

Also from the article:

“There is “a very interesting situation where geopolitical heat and theend of zero-interest rate policies have made people become morepragmatic,” said the founder of one start-up that was in the same groupof YC-funded companies as Ares. […] “People support builders doing cool,hard stuff.”“

Very interesting indeed. Certainly, you can make money by sellingweapons of war. But should you? And in what world is killing people“cool stuff”?

Silicon Valley’sorigins are in large part military, of course, so this shouldn’t betoo much of a surprise. But for a while there, in the wake of thethis-is-for-everyone radical inclusion of the web (which wasnot a military creation), it seemed like tech was heading in adifferent direction. It’s disappointing to see that this was ephemeralat best.


 <p>[<a href="">Link</a>]</p> </div></div>

Microsoft’sCopilot falsely accuses court reporter of crimes he covered

date: 2024-08-25, from: OS News

German journalist Martin Bernklau typed his name and location intoMicrosoft’s Copilot to see how his culture blog articles would be pickedup by the chatbot, according to German public broadcaster SWR. Theanswers shocked Bernklau. Copilot falsely claimed Bernklau had beencharged with and convicted of child abuse and exploiting dependents. Italso claimed that he had been involved in a dramatic escape from apsychiatric hospital and had exploited grieving women as an unethicalmortician. Copilot even went so far as to claim that it was“unfortunate” that someone with such a criminal past had a familyand,according to SWR, provided Bernklau’s full address with phonenumber and route planner. ↫ Matthias Bastian So why did Copilot (whichis just OpenAI’s ChatGPT with sparkles) claim Bernklau did all sorts ofhorrible things? Well, his occupation – journalist – is a dead giveaway.He has written a lot of articles covering court proceedings in Tübingenon abuse, violence, and fraud cases, and since Copilot is just spicyautocorrect, it has no understanding of context and pinned the variouscrimes he covered on Bernklau. Adding in his address, phone number, anda damn planned route to his home is just the very disgusting icing onthis already disgusting cake. What makes matters even worse, if you canbelieve it, is that Bernklau has absolutely no recourse. He contactedthe public prosecutor’s office in Tübingen, but they stated they can’tpress charges because the accusations coming from Copilot aren’t beingmade by a real person. And to make it still even worse, Microsoft justthrew its hands in the air and absolved itself of any and allresponsibility by pointing to its terms of service, in which Microsoftdiscards liability for content generated by Copilot. Convenient. This isnothing short of a nightmare scenario that can utterly destroy someone’slife, and the fact that Microsoft doesn’t care and the law isn’t evenremotely prepared to take serious matters like these on isterrifying.

HurricaneHone sweeps past Hawaii, dumping enough rain to ease wildfire fears

date: 2024-08-25, from: VOA News USA

HONOLULU —Hurricane Hone passed just south of Hawaii on Sunday,dumping so much rain that the National Weather Service called off itsred flag warnings that strong winds could lead to wildfires on the driersides of the islands.

Meanwhile, the eastern Pacific saw a new threat emerge as TropicalStorm Hector formed, packing top sustained winds of 75 kph (45 mph).There were no coastal watches or warnings in effect as Hector churnedfar out at sea, the National Hurricane Center said.

Hone had top winds of 140 kph (85 mph) Sunday morning as it swirledslowly past the Big Island, centered about 72 kilometers (45 miles) offits southernmost point, according to Jon Jelsema, a senior forecaster atthe Central Pacific Hurricane Center. He said tropical storm force windswere blowing across the island’s southeast-facing slopes, carrying up to30 centimeters or more of rain.

Floods closed Highway 11 between Kona and Hilo, and a higher-altitudealternative, the Cane Road, was closed by flooding as well, isolatingproperties like the Aikane Plantation Coffee Co.outside Pahala, whereowner Phil Becker said his 25-centimeter rain gauge overflowed in thedeluge.

“We’ve got quite a lot of flood damage, the gulches are running fullspeed ahead and they’re overflowing the bridges, so we’re trapped downhere, we can’t get in or out,” Becker said Sunday.

Becker said his plantation is off the grid, powered with batteriescharged by solar electricity, and his family is safe, so they have noreason to evacuate. The weather may even prove beneficial: “We’ve beenin a drought situation so the coffee is probably loving all this rain,”he said.

Hurricane Gilma, meanwhile, weakened to a still-major Category 3hurricane Saturday night, but it was far east of Hawaii and forecast toweaken into a depression before it reaches the islands.

Shelters were opened as Hurricane Hone blew in and beach parks on theeastern side of the Big Island were closed due to dangerously high surf,Hawaii County Mayor Mitch Roth said.

Jelsema offered a vivid metaphor for the rainfall: “As the rain getspushed up the mountain terrain it wrings it out, kind of like wringingout a wet towel,” he said.

“It’s been really soaking those areas, there’s been flooding ofroads. Roads have been cut off by high flood waters there in thewindward sections of the big island, and really that’s the only portionof the state that’s had much flooding concern at this point,” hesaid.

Hone, whose name is Hawaiian for “sweet and soft,” poked at memoriesstill fresh of last year’s deadly blazes on Maui, which were fueled byhurricane-force winds. Red flag alerts are issued when warmtemperatures, very low humidity and stronger winds combine to raise firedangers. Most of the archipelago is already abnormally dry or indrought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.

The Aug.8, 2023, blaze that torched the historic town of Lahaina wasthe deadliest U.S. wildfire in more than a century, with 102 dead. Dry,overgrown grasses and drought helped spread the fire.

Calvin Endo, a Waianae Coast neighborhood board member who lives inMakaha, a leeward Oahu neighborhood prone to wildfires, has worried foryears about dry brush on private property behind his home. He’s takenmatters into his own hands by clearing the brush himself, but he’sconcerned about nearby homes abutting overgrown vegetation.

“All you need is fire and wind and we’ll have another Lahaina,” Endosaid as the storm approached. “I notice the wind started to kick upalready.”

The cause of the Lahaina blaze is still under investigation, but it’spossible it was ignited by bare electrical wire and leaning power polestoppled by the strong winds. The state’s two power companies, HawaiianElectric and the Kauai Island Utility Cooperative, were prepared to shutoff power if necessary to reduce the chance that live, damaged powerlines could start fires, but they later said the safety measures wouldnot be necessary as Hone blew past the islands.

Roth said a small blaze that started Friday night in Waikoloa, on thedry side of the Big Island, was brought under control without injuriesor damage.

Daysbefore FBI search, OC supervisor defended his daughter’s nonprofitagainst fraud claims

date: 2024-08-25, updated: 2024-08-25, from: The LAist

The remarks made on a Vietnamese radio broadcast are Orange CountySupervisor Andrew Do’s first known public response after O.C. officialsfiled a lawsuit alleging millions of taxpayer dollars were misspent.

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-25, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

Interview with Kamala Harris's aunt in India. Really interesting. Hermother came to the US on a Fullbright scholarship.

USrapper Macklemore cancels Dubai gig over alleged UAE role in Sudanwar

date: 2024-08-25, from: VOA News USA

Dubai, United Arab Emirates —U.S. rapper Macklemore has announced heis cancelling an upcoming show in Dubai over the UAE’s involvement inthe conflict in Sudan, charges the Gulf state has denied.

The rapper best known for hits like 2012’s “Thrift Shop” made theannouncement in a post on social media on Saturday.

“I have decided to cancel my upcoming show in Dubai this October,” hesaid.

“Over the last several months I’ve had a number of people reach outto me, sharing resources and asking me to cancel the show in solidaritywith the people of Sudan,” he said.

“Until the UAE stops arming and funding the RSF I will not performthere,” Macklemore added, referring to the paramilitary Rapid SupportForces that have been battling the Sundanese army.

War has raged since April 2023 between the Sudanese army, under thecountry’s de facto ruler Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the RSF, which iscommanded by Burhan’s former deputy Mohamed Hamdan Daglo.

For months, the army has accused the UAE of supporting the RSF.

In June, Sudan’s ambassador to the United Nations Al-Harith Idrissal-Harith Mohamed called Abu Dhabi’s financial and military support forthe RSF the “main reason behind this protracted war.”

The UAE has denied allegations of RSF support as “disinformation,”saying that it’s efforts are focused exclusively towards de-escalationand alleviating Sudan’s humanitarian suffering.

Macklemore has released socially aware music in the past, supportingLGBTQ+ rights while also criticizing ills including poverty andconsumerism.

In his latest track released in May, Macklemore voices support forPalestinians and also praises students across the United Statesprotesting against Israel’s war in Gaza.

The song, “Hind’s Hall,” is named after a building at ColumbiaUniversity that students recently occupied and renamed after Hind Rajab,a six-year-old Palestinian girl killed in Gaza.

Buyinga PC for local AI? These are the specs that actually matter

date: 2024-08-25, updated: 2024-08-25, from: The Register (UK I.T.News)

If you guessed TOPS and FLOPS, that’s only half right

Feature Ready to dive in and play with AI locally onyour machine? Whether you want to see what all the fuss is about withall the new open models popping up, or you’re interested in exploringhow AI can be integrated into your apps or business before making amajor commitment, this guide will help you get started.…

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-25, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

Stephen Wolfram thinks we need philosophers working on big questionsaround AI.

LEVERWEEKLY: Dark Money Is Blocking Your Ballot Box

date: 2024-08-25, from: The Lever News

The dark-money web behind a voter purge, the Senate obstaclesstanding in Harris’ way, and more from The Lever this week.

Podcast: A Whirlwind Tourof DEF CON

date: 2024-08-25, from: 404 Media Group

Joseph went to DEF CON to talk to hackers on location. AI, hackingbiology, and community all came up.

LongBeach Shark Lab needs $500K in donations to keep shark monitoringprogram afloat

date: 2024-08-25, updated: 2024-08-25, from: The LAist

Support for the previously state-funded program was cut earlier thisyear due to California’s budget deficit.

@Dave Winer’slinkblog (date: 2024-08-25, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

I’ve watched Michelle Obama ask dozens of times who’s gonna tellTrump that the job he’s seeking might just be one of them black jobs andit makes me laugh every damn time.

Schubert onSunday 9: Elias Quartet play D. 804

date: 2024-08-25, from: Logic Matters blog

The last Schubert on Sunday post — over six months ago, how did thathappen? — was a wonderful video recording of Julian Prégardien singingDie Schöne Mullerin, accompanied by the fortepianist Els Biesemans.Prégardien has now just released a CD of the same cycle, this time withthe fortepianist Kristian Bezuidenhout. This is quite […]

The postSchuberton Sunday 9: Elias Quartet play D. 804 appeared first onLogic Matters.

Today in SCV History(Aug.25)

date: 2024-08-25, from: SCV New (TV Station)

1916 – Woodrow Wilson signs act creating National Park Service; itsfirst director is Stephen T. Mather, who made his fortune with the SantaClarita Valley’s borax mine and envisioned & put his own money intoforming the Park Service.[story

Gynecologists,patients focus on making procedures less painful

date: 2024-08-25, from: VOA News USA

Weeksafter floods, Vermont businesses struggling to get visitors toreturn

date: 2024-08-25, from: VOA News USA

burke, vermont —Two bouts of flooding from storms in July hashampered businesses and destinations in an economically depressedsection of northern Vermont, with some still closed as they continue torepair damage and others urging visitors, who were deterred by theweather, to make the trip.

Kingdom Trails, a popular destination for mountain bikers, draws tensof thousands of visitors a year. But the storms that hit the region onJuly 10 and July 30 washed away some roads and bridges, damaged homesand trails, and discouraged visitors at the height of the season.

Businesses and destinations are picking up the pieces, with somestill closed in nearby Lyndonville, while others want to get the wordout that they are very much open.

“I can’t stress enough that we are open and our community iswelcoming people,” said Abby Long, executive director of Kingdom Trails.“We’re encouraging folks to not only come visit Kingdom Trails and havean awesome time but sign up to volunteer mucking and gutting houses forthe morning and then relax on the trails in the afternoon.”

The storms caused $300,000 in damages to the trails — and thatdoesn’t account for the loss of membership revenue, she said. The trailswere closed for about a day and a half as crews worked furiously to getthem back open. The cost of repairs comes on top of the $150,000 indamages suffered in last summer’s flooding.

“That is not sustainable,” Long said.

So far, 341 businesses in Vermont have reported flood damage to thestate this year, according to Economic Development Commissioner JoanGoldstein. Last summer, about 1,100 businesses were affected, shesaid.

In Lyndonville, a popular diner that had been in business since 1978will not be reopening after getting damaged in the July 10 storms. Theowner of the Miss Lyndonville Diner is having repairs done and plans tosell the restaurant. She told the Caledonian Record that the floodingconvinced her it was time to retire.

Leaving ski industry

The nearby Village Sport Shop, which also has been in business fornearly 50 years, has decided to close its flooded Lyndonville shop andexit the ski industry, according to a social media post by thebusiness.

“With the multiple flooding events we have endured and the evolutionwe have needed to take as a business, we have come to the decision it istime to turn our focus towards the summer side of the business andrelieve ourselves from the flood risks the lowest lying real estate onthe strip endures,” the post said. The business has a trailside bicycleshop in East Burke.

A bagel shop and a Walgreens drugstore were still temporarily closedas they recover from the flood damage.

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden approved a major disaster declarationmaking federal funding available to help individuals and communitiesrecover from the July 9-10 flooding from the remnants of HurricaneBeryl. Governor Phil Scott has requested a separate disaster declarationfor the July 30 storms and flooding.

In May, Vermont became the first state to enact a law requiringfossil fuel companies to pay a share of the damage caused by extremeweather fanned by climate change. But officials have acknowledged thatcollecting any money will depend on litigation against amuch-better-resourced oil industry.

In Burke, a town of about 1,650 that is home to the Burke Mountainski area, Kingdom Trails is a huge economic driver, said TownAdministrator Jim Sullivan.

“It’s traumatic, it’s unbelievable the extent that it ripples out,”he said. “If Kingdom Trails can’t open, people cancel their reservationsat the Airbnbs and at the inns. We have restaurants that are counting onall of those people coming here. And it’s just a chain event thateventually dwindles where you have these absolutely beautiful days andyou just don’t have the people here that we normally would have if wedidn’t have this devastation.”

‘Screeching halt’

The East Burke Market was having a really good summer but when thetrails closed down, business “came to a bit of a screeching halt,” saidco-owner Burton Hinton.

Each of the storms caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in roadand property damage, Sullivan said. The town lost a bridge in the July10 flooding and the whole mountain road in the storm weeks later, hesaid.

“We’re still waiting for some direction from the federal government.In the meantime, everybody has really come together and done a great jobof helping each other. True community,” he said.

About 60 student-athletes who race in cross-country mountain bikingwith the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Cycling League, and 40 coaches,were in Burke to train at Kingdom Trails when the latest flooding hit onJuly 30.

The group had to pivot to ride on gravel for a few days but then sometrails reopened quickly, said Michael Morrell, with the NationalInterscholastic Cycling Association, who was with them.

“The trail system up here and the trail crew are just so efficient,and the trails, many of the trails, they drain very well,” he said onAugust 1.

Still, he said he felt terrible for those reliant on getting touriststo visit the local trails.

“I feel so bad that their roads are closed,” Morrell said. ” … We’rejust glad that we can help support them in any way we can.”

UScrossword fan creates puzzles celebrating Black heritage

date: 2024-08-25, from: VOA News USA

NEW YORK —It started a couple of years ago when Juliana Pache wasdoing a crossword puzzle and got stuck.

She was unfamiliar with the reference that the clue made. It made herthink about what a crossword puzzle would look like if the clues andanswers included more of some subjects that she was familiar with,thanks to her own identity and interests — Black history and Blackpopular culture.

When she couldn’t find such a thing, Pache decided to do it herself.In January 2023, she created, a site that offers afree mini-crossword puzzle every day. And Tuesday marked the release ofher first book, Black Crossword: 100 Mini Puzzles Celebrating theAfrican Diaspora.

It’s a good moment for it, nearly 111 years after the first crosswordappeared in a New York newspaper. Recent years have seen an increasingamount of conversation around representation in crossword puzzles, fromwho’s constructing them to what words can be used for answers and howthe clues are framed. There’s been a push to expand the idea of thekinds of “common knowledge” players would have to fill them out.

“I had never made a crossword puzzle before,” Pache, 32, said with alaugh. “But I was like, ‘I can figure it out.’”

And she did.

Made ‘with Black people in mind’

Each puzzle on Pache’s site includes at least a few clues and answersconnecting to Black culture. The tagline on the site: “If you know, youknow.”

The book is brimming with the kinds of puzzles that she estimatesabout 2,200 people play daily on her site — squares made up of fivelines, each with five spaces. She aims for at least three of the cluesto be references to aspects of Black cultures from around the world.

Pache, a native of the New York City borough of Queens with familyties to Cuba and the Dominican Republic, had a couple of goals in mindwhen she started. Primarily, she wanted to create something that Blackpeople would enjoy.

“I’m making it with Black people in mind,” she said. “And then ifanyone else enjoys it, they learn things from it, that’s a bonus butit’s not my focus.”

She’s also trying to show the diversity in Black communities andcultures with the clues and words she uses, and to encourage people fromdifferent parts of the African diaspora to learn about each other.

“I also want to make it challenging, not just for people who might beinterested in Black culture, but people within Black culture who mightbe interested in other regions,” she said. “Part of my mission with thisis to highlight Black people from all over, Black culture from all over.And I think … that keeps us learning about each other.”

What, really, is ‘general knowledge’?

While on the surface if might just seem like a game, the knowledgebase required for crosswords does say something about what kind ofknowledge is considered “general” and “universal” and what isn’t, saidMichelle Pera-McGhee, a data journalist at The Pudding, a site thatfocuses on data-driven stories.

In 2020, Pera-McGhee undertook a data project analyzing crosswordpuzzles through the decades from a handful of the most well-known mediaoutlets. The project assessed clues and answers that used the names ofreal people to determine a breakdown along gender and racecategories.

Unsurprisingly, the data indicated that for the most part, men weredisproportionately more likely than women to be featured, as well aswhite people compared to racial and ethnic minorities.

It’s “interesting because it’s supposed to be easy,” Pera-McGheesaid. “You want … ideally to reference things that people, everybodyknows about because everyone learns about them in school or whatever. …What are the things that we decide we all should know?”

There are efforts to make crosswords more accessible andrepresentative, including the recently started fellowship for puzzleconstructors from underrepresented groups at The New York Times, amongthe most high-profile crossword puzzles around. Puzzle creators havemade puzzles aimed at LGBTQ+ communities, at women, using a wider arrayof references as Pache is doing.

Bottom line, “it is really cool to see our culture reflected in thismedium,” Pache said.

And, Pera-McGhee said, it can be cool to learn new things.

“It’s kind of enriching to have things in the puzzle that you don’tknow about,” she said. “It’s not that the experience of not knowing isbad. It’s just that it should maybe be spread out along with theexperience of knowing. Both are kind of good in the crossword-solvingexperience.”

Kamala’s acceptance speech

date: 2024-08-25, from: Dave Winer’s Scripting News

Full audio for Kamala Harris’s acceptance speech at the DNC.

Thanks to IanLandsman for converting the video to MP3.

My blog postabout the speech.


CulinaryIcon Alice Waters Meets Santa Barbara Elite to Improve How We Eat

date: 2024-08-25, from: Santa Barbara Indenpent News

Raising awareness for the Edible Schoolyard Project at Belmond’s ElEncanto.

The postCulinaryIcon Alice Waters Meets Santa Barbara Elite to Improve How We Eatappeared first onThe Santa BarbaraIndependent.

Person robbed in CanyonCountry

date: 2024-08-25, from: The Signal

Personnel with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station responded toreports of a person robbed on Saturday afternoon in Canyon Country.The robbery involved a male suspect with no additional […]

The postPersonrobbed in Canyon Country appeared first onSanta Clarita Valley Signal.

I’m Speaking:Kamala Harris Is Seen and Heard

date: 2024-08-25, from: Santa Barbara Indenpent News

Many feminists have waited for this day to come around again, but onemust wonder whether a sufficient number of Americans have changed theirsexist and racist attitudes in order to elect Harris.

The postI’mSpeaking: Kamala Harris Is Seen and Heard appeared first onThe Santa BarbaraIndependent.

StrangerThings: The First Shadow with Audio Description (AD)

date: 2024-08-25, updated: 2024-08-25, from: Tink’s blog

Full Circle Weekly News 380

date: 2024-08-25, from: Full Circle Magazine


Xecast Episode 3: Thecurse of the artist

date: 2024-08-25, from: Ze Iaso’s blog

Xe returns while on vacation where they built a new PC, made a SaaSto check web server headers, and re-evaluated how they think aboutcomplexity.

News gathered 2024-08-26 (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.