Sensory Bags for Kids with Gold Coins - Mighty Kids (2024)

Gather your toddlers for a fun sensory play while celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. With this fun activity teach them how to make calming sensory bags with golden coins.

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Sensory Bags for Kids with Gold Coins - Mighty Kids (1)

Sensory stimulation is of great importance in the initial stage of a child’s life. This is the basis for the acquisition and development of future skills of greater complexity. The senses are fed by all the stimuli they perceive from the environment. They can work simultaneously, and over time they are naturally strengthened. However, this does not mean that the senses should not be stimulated; in fact, they must be educated so that the information and neural connections are adequate.

Stimulating children can be easy since the environment offers various stimuli, such as sounds, colors, textures, temperatures, etc. Even if they are focused on stimulating a specific sense, the activities carried out with children are indirectly stimulating the rest of the senses.

To develop the sense of touch, children can carry out activities with different textures, temperatures, and shapes. When talking about the sense of touch, we refer to the hand and the skin that covers our body. To stimulate the sense of sight, children must be exposed to different colors and shapes. The sense of hearing is the first sense that children develop from the womb; however, it is the most forgotten.

To stimulate children’s sense of hearing, they can hear different sounds. The name of the object that produces that sound is verbalized so that children relate a specific sound to the object. The senses of taste and smell are two senses that are closely linked. To enhance these two senses, children must be exposed to different flavors and aromas.

The activities carried out must be designed according to children’s abilities in a healthy and safe environment to explore independently with each of the stimuli. It is important to emphasize that new learning comes through the senses, so the greater the stimuli they perceive, the greater their learning capacity.

Sensory Bags for Kids with Gold Coins - Mighty Kids (2)



Topic: Sensory stimulation

Age: 1-2-year-old children

Goal: Through this sensory bag activity, children will stimulate the senses of touch and sight.

Difficulty level: Basic. This sensory bag activity is designed for children to carry out autonomously and independently, through exploration with an adult’s surveillance.


  • Texture perception
  • Color perception
  • Temperature perception
  • Emotions
  • Autonomy
  • Eye-hand coordination


Sensory Bags for Kids with Gold Coins - Mighty Kids (3)
  • Water
  • Sequins in a container
  • Glitter in a container
  • A Ziploc bag
  • A tray


It is essential that an adult is present and helping with this sensory bag activity. It involves small objects that a child can put in their mouth and harm themselves.

Step 1:

The adult must do this step. Add the sequins into the Ziploc bag.

Sensory Bags for Kids with Gold Coins - Mighty Kids (4)

Step 2:

The adult must do this step. Add the glitter into the Ziploc bag.

Sensory Bags for Kids with Gold Coins - Mighty Kids (5)

Step 3:

The adult must do this step. Pour the water into a Ziploc bag and close it.

Sensory Bags for Kids with Gold Coins - Mighty Kids (6)

Step 4:

Give the Ziploc bag to the child to play with it and stimulate his/her senses.

Sensory Bags for Kids with Gold Coins - Mighty Kids (7)


A sensory bag making activity for St. Patrick’s Day

Sensory Bags for Kids with Gold Coins - Mighty Kids (8)


After making sensory bags, give your toddlers new worksheets. Click the link below to download and print our St. Patrick’s Day coloring worksheets.

Sensory Bags for Kids with Gold Coins - Mighty Kids (9)

Download the Free Printable Worksheets



This sensory bag activity can be done with younger children. To reduce the difficulty level, you don’t need to change materials. As this is a sensory activity, children always must be under adult surveillance. You should place the bag on a steady surface to accommodate children’s interaction with it. In this way, a sensory activity appropriate to children’s development and capacities is carried out.


This sensory bag activity can be done with older children. To increase the activity’s difficulty level, you can use some other ingredients such as baby oil with a soft smell. Children will also stimulate their sense of smell. You can also use food coloring, colored beads, or pom-poms. If you see that children can prepare the sensory bag, you can let them do it. In this way, an easy activity appropriate to children’s development and abilities is carried out.



In this sensory bag video, you will find the step-by-step activity of the “SENSORY BAG WITH SEQUIN GOLDEN COINS,” designed for 1 to 2-year-old children. Here, they will play with a sensory bag to stimulate their senses of touch and sight. This kids’ activity will allow children to develop texture perception, perception of colors, perception of temperature, affectivity, autonomy, and eye-hand coordination. The materials needed to carry out the activity are water, sequins, glitter, a Ziploc bag, and a tray.(Adult help and supervision)

Do you like St. Patrick’s Day sensory bag for kids? Make sure to check out our other St. Patrick’s Day activities.

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Get super cute outfit for your little ones, check out this St. Patrick’s Day Shamrock Baby Bodysuit.

I’d like to know what you think of our St Patrick’s Day sensory bag for kids. Please leave a comment below.

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Liliana is a Licensed Montessori teacher known for her passion and dedication to education. She's been a teacher in the United States for many years, and she truly believes that education is the key to making the world a better place because today's students are tomorrow's leaders. Her experience with Toddlers, Beginners, VPK with Montessori methodology approach; Kindergarten, and first grade made her an authority and trusted resource. Liliana's family taught her important qualities like love, a positive attitude, strong motivation, and leadership. These values have guided her on her journey to becoming a professional and expert teacher. Her mission is to help children grow and contribute to a brighter future for the country.

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Sensory Bags for Kids with Gold Coins - Mighty Kids (2024)


What do you fill sensory bags with? ›

Babies love sensory play, but it can certainly get messy 🙃 Sensory bags are a great compromise: they allow your baby to explore without the mess that can come with open containers. Here's how: Fill a resealable plastic bag with tactile materials like hair gel, pumpkin seeds, shaving cream, or marbles.

How to make DIY sensory bags? ›

All I did was take a tub of clear hair gel (pick these up for cheap at the Dollar Store) and empty it into a freezer bag. Then add whatever sensory items you want – this bag just has an assortment of sequins. Squeeze all of the air out before sealing shut.

What age are sensory bags for? ›

Sensory bag activity: babies 6-12 months | Raising Children Network.

What can you use instead of hair gel in sensory bags? ›

About the question what fluid goes in sensory bags, there are some options. You can certainly use liquid soup or hair gel or even gel detergent. I prefer however to use tap water for two good reasons. First and foremost, it's safer.

How to stop sensory bags from leaking? ›

Remember to tape up the sensory bags to prevent leaking and supervise your children at all times as little teeth and sharp fingernails could pierce the bags. Simply use your fingertips to 'write' on the sensory bag!

Can you use baby oil for sensory bags? ›

Add about a cup of baby oil to the bag. Add pom poms and seal the bag shut leaving little to no air inside. Tape it down to your surface. Push the pom poms to the white space and have your little ones sort them into the matching color.

How to make a water bead sensory bag? ›

All you need to do is fill a gallon bag with some plastic beads (I used pony beads from Office Depot-but many stores stock similar beads in the craft section), add water, squeeze the air out and close the bag. 🤗 I use Ziploc brand bags and don't have much issue with leaking.

How to make an oil and water sensory bag? ›

Add the oil to the bag. Mix a couple drops of food coloring with the water and then add to the bag. Close the bag taking out as much air as possible and tape it shut. Tape the bag to the floor or table so that the little ones don't move it around.

What do kids learn from sensory bags? ›

Sensory bags help young children to develop their sense of touch and fine motor skills as they manipulate the small objects around the bags. The types of sensory bags you can make is endless!

Do 5 year olds need sensory play? ›

messy, so you may often be inclined to cut this type of play short. But in fact, sensory play – play that stimulates any of a child's senses – has an important role in a child's health and development. Through it, your child builds cognitive skills and learns about their world.

What is a sensory bag for autism? ›

Our sensory bags are designed to help sensory needs in both adults and children. Filled with items that can help lessen sensory overload and also engage, the bag items are also easily cleaned and sterilized for multiple uses.

Can you use water for sensory bags? ›

Children make sensory bags with oil, water, and food coloring for an engaging visual experience. Children make sensory bags with oil, water, and food coloring for an engaging visual experience.

Can you use soap for sensory bags? ›

Water with food colouring in (add some oil such as olive oil to create more of a visual experience) Shaving foam. Gel such as hair gel or try a coloured dish soap or hand soap.

What can I put in water for sensory play? ›

Provide one part water for two parts cornstarch. I love to make TONS and the children get so much joy out of mixing up a huge batch of this goopy, drippy mixture. Feel free to add a few drops of coloring, but I really like to keep things simple and natural and typically go without the coloring.

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.