Sourdough Pancakes Recipe (Active or Discard Starter) (2024)

Last Updated on August 3, 2023

Are you searching for a fun and delicious way to use discarded sourdough starter? Look no further! You’re going to love these fluffy golden sourdough pancakes. Truth be told, we’re not usually big pancake eaters in this household… but we make an exception for these extra special cakes! With the addition of a little cinnamon, plus natural yeast and beneficial bacteria from the starter, homemade sourdough pancakes are definitely a healthier alternative to boxed pancake mix – and much tastier too! Yet they’re just as quick and easy to make.

While sourdough pancakes are the perfect use for sourdough starter discard, you can absolutely use active starter too. Chances are you already have one… right? If not, you can follow this tutorial and try to make a starter from scratch. Or for an even more foolproof option, pick up an organic sourdough starter from our shop here.

Don’t miss the printable recipe and list of our other favorite sourdough recipes at the end of this article!

What do sourdough pancakes taste like?

Let’s get this out of the way: no, sourdough pancakes aren’t sour-tasting! That is a common misconception with all sourdough. Homemade sourdough doesn’t taste like the stuff you buy in the store, which is often artificially-flavored to taste super sour. Homemade sourdough is simply called ‘sourdough’ because it is made with fermented wild yeast and natural bacteria – the sourdough starter culture. That is what gives it an airy rise without the need for commercial instant yeast.

Sourdough pancakes taste much like regular pancakes; perhaps a bit more rich, rustic, mildly sweet… and I don’t know how else to explain it but GOOD. If you do choose to allow your raw pancake batter to ferment for a day or two before using it, the sourdough pancakes will develop a slightly more earthy and tangy flavor, but I still wouldn’t consider it sour.

Sourdough Pancakes Recipe (Active or Discard Starter) (1)

How long can you keep or store sourdough pancake batter?

Like most sourdough baking, the timing on this sourdough pancake recipe is quite flexible. You can mix the batter and make pancakes right away, let it sit for a few hours first, or even refrigerate the batter overnight (or longer). If the batter is going to sit for more than an hour or two, move it to the refrigerator since it contains egg.

For the best results, I recommend using sourdough pancake batter within 24 hours of mixing it, though it is still technically ‘good’ after several days! Simply keep the batter in a covered bowl in the refrigerator. When cooked the next day, we find the sourdough pancakes are just a teeny tiny less fluffy than the first day, but not bad at all. The baking soda and powder will start to lose some of their oomph over time, yet there is one definite benefit to waiting. The longer it sits, the more fermented the batter becomes, and therefore the more nutritious and easy-to-digest it is.

Are sourdough pancakes good for you?

Let’s be real: pancakes aren’t salad… but that doesn’t mean they are bad for you! Like most meals, it’s all about moderation, serving size, and choice of ingredients. For instance, I love that we can use all organic ingredients in homemade sourdough pancakes, and they don’t contain all the extra preservatives in a boxed mix.

The simple fact that these pancakes are made with sourdough starter makes them more healthy than classic pancakes. Because they’re fermented, sourdough baked goods are scientifically-proven to be more nutrient-dense, easier to digest, contain less gluten, and have a lower glycemic index than their traditional non-fermented counterparts. Fantastic news, right? Learn more about all that good stuff here.

To keep your sourdough pancakes extra healthy, go light on the syrup – or skip it altogether! We love to serve ours with a little butter, fresh tangy homemade cranberry sauce (aka superfood jam), and walnuts or pecans for a pop of protein. Or, sprinkle some hemp hearts on top for added protein and essential omegas. You can also dress them with savory toppings like goat cheese, kalamata olives, fresh herbs and a drizzle of flavored olive oil – fit to be enjoyed any time of day!

One final way we make our fluffy sourdough pancakes recipe even more nutritious is by adding cinnamon. Did you know that cinnamon is proven to lower post-meal blood sugar levels? It has even been dubbed an “anti-diabetic spice”. I have type 1 diabetes so I love incorporating cinnamon in as many recipes as possible, like our spiced sourdough chocolate chip cookie recipe! Reducing blood sugar spikes is great for your health, even if you aren’t diabetic.

Sourdough Pancakes Recipe (Active or Discard Starter) (2)

Enough yakkity-yakkin’ – let’s get flap-jackin’.

Ingredients for Sourdough Pancakes

Makes: approximately 6 large pancakes, or 8 to 10 small/medium cakes

  • 1 cup sourdough starter, unfed discard starter or active
  • 1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/4 cup milk of choice. We love this recipe with oat milk!Yet you could use any type: almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, buttermilk, or regular dairy milk.
  • 1 large egg (or 2 medium, either way works)
  • 3 Tbsp melted coconut oil. Sub with olive oil or butter if you prefer.
  • 2 Tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp sea salt or kosher salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon (optional, but highly recommended)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract (ditto as above)


Mix Sourdough Pancake Batter

In a mixing bowl, whisk together all of the wet ingredients first: the sourdough starter, milk, egg, vanilla, and melted coconut oil (or butter/olive oil). Then add the dry ingredients: flour, baking soda and powder, sugar, salt and cinnamon.

Do not overmix your pancake batter! Overmixing can lead to rubbery sourdough pancakes. Mix well until just combined. It is 100% okay if there are some lingering lumps and clumps.

Now, you can either make your cakes right away, let the batter sit a while, or use it within the next couple of days. If possible, let it sit for at least 15 minutes so the starter can get friendly with the flour. Since it contains egg, store the batter in the refrigerator if it’s going to be more than a couple of hours before you make pancakes. You can use the batter cold. See the storage notes above for more details.

Cook Your Cakes

It is best to cook pancakes over medium heat. A cast iron skillet or griddle does a particularly superb job! To keep your sourdough pancakes warm until serving, turn the oven on low (200°F). Then, tuck finished pancakes inside the oven on an oven-safe plate as they come off the stove.

Allow the pan to get nice and hot before adding any pancake batter. Once hot, add a small pad of butter (or drizzle/spray of oil) to the pan, and then ladle or pour in some batter. I typically eyeball it, but the general recommendation is about a quarter cup of batter per pancake. Make them any size you want! Either use the back of a spoon or gently swirl the skillet to help the batter spread into a fairly even circle.

Allow the sourdough pancakes to cook on the first side until bubbles rise to the surface and the bottom becomes golden brown, about 2 to 4 minutes. Then flip and continue to cook until the second side is also lightly brown. Wipe the pan and add a fresh bit of butter or oil between each pancake for the best results. Also adjust the flame or heat if needed.

Serve warm and enjoy!

Sourdough Pancakes Recipe (Active or Discard Starter) (3)
Sourdough Pancakes Recipe (Active or Discard Starter) (4)
Sourdough Pancakes Recipe (Active or Discard Starter) (5)
Sourdough Pancakes Recipe (Active or Discard Starter) (6)

Are you drooling yet?

Well, I know what I’m making this weekend… 🤤 I hope you love these fluffy sourdough pancakes just as much as we do! Let me know if you have any questions in the comments section below. Please pop back by for a review, tag me in your pancake party pics on Instagram (@deannacat3), and spread the love by sharing or pinning this post. Bon appetit! Looking for other ways to use discarded starter? See our list of the 15 Best Sourdough Discard Recipes here.

I bet you’ll love these related recipes:

  • Fresh Cranberry Sauce Recipe
  • Sourdough Granola Recipe (Discard or Active Starter) with Crunchy Clusters
  • Sourdough Focaccia Bread
  • Cast Iron Whole Wheat Pizza Crust
  • Spiced Sourdough Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Simple No-Knead Sourdough Bread
  • Sourdough Cornbread Recipe
  • Herb Sourdough Starter Crackers

Sourdough Pancakes Recipe (Active or Discard Starter) (7)

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4.82 from 44 votes

Sourdough Pancakes

Please enjoy these fluffy, golden sourdough pancakes. You can use discarded sourdough starter or active starter in this recipe. Homemade sourdough pancakes are absolutely delicious, and more nutritious than boxed pancake mix!

Prep Time15 minutes mins

Cook Time15 minutes mins

Course: Breakfast, Sourdough

Cuisine: American

Keyword: Sourdough pancakes, sourdough starter pancakes

Servings: 8 pancakes*


  • Large mixing bowl

  • Whisk

  • Skillet or griddle

  • Spatula


  • 1 cup sourdough starter
  • 1.75 cups all purpose flour
  • 1.25 cups milk of choice, such as oat milk, almond milk, coconut milk, hemp milk, or cows milk
  • 1 large egg (or 2 medium)
  • 3 Tbsp melted coconut oil (sub with butter or olive oil)
  • 2 Tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon (optional)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)


  • In a large mixing bowl, mix together the wet ingredients first (sourdough starter, milk, egg, vanilla, and melted coconut oil (or butter/olive oil)

  • Add the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking soda and powder, salt and cinnamon) and mix until just combined. Do not over mix.

  • Refrigerate batter until ready to use if you are going to wait longer than a few hours until you cook the pancakes.

  • Before you cook your pancakes, preheat your oven to 200 degree Fahrenheit if you want to keep them warm until serving.

  • Next, heat a skillet or griddle over medium heat on the stove. Once the pan is hot, add a pad of butter or oil to the pan.

  • Pour or ladle pancake batter into the pan. Use the back of a spoon or gently swirl the pan to help the batter spread into an even circle.

  • Allow the pancake(s) to cook until the bubbles rise to the surface and the bottom becomes golden brown (about 2 to 4 minutes) until you flip them.

  • Once the pancake(s) is flipped, cook on the remaining side until golden brown.

  • Remove the pancake(s) from the pan and place on an oven safe plate and keep in the warming oven until ready to serve.

  • Before cooking another pancake, wipe out the pan and add a fresh pad of butter or oil in between pancakes.


*This recipe makes about 6 large sourdough pancakes, or 8-10 small/medium cakes.

Sourdough Pancakes Recipe (Active or Discard Starter) (8)
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Sourdough Pancakes Recipe (Active or Discard Starter) (2024)


When can I use sourdough starter discard in recipes? ›

Remember, you can't use the discard from your homemade sourdough starter for the first 7 days. You can use sourdough discard in all kinds of sourdough discard recipes, including these no wait sourdough recipes, overnight sourdough discard recipes and sourdough discard recipes that use up a lot of discard.

Why use sourdough discard in baking? ›

I like finding creative ways to use my discard. More Moisture: Adding discard to recipes adds extra moisture to the baked good. This can make for delicious muffins, pancakes, waffles and more! Flavor: Discard has gone through the fermentation cycle and typically has a more sour flavor from the bacteria.

Why is my sourdough starter like pancake batter? ›

What Should Sourdough Starter Look Like? A healthy starter should look nice and bubbly after it's been fed. It will have the consistency of thick pancake batter. It should be able to be poured out of your container, but it won't just fall out readily.

Why are my sourdough pancakes gummy? ›

Gummy sourdough pancakes are usually due to cooking issues. Be sure to fully cook the pancakes all the way through.

Can I use active starter instead of discard? ›

Absolutely you can! Active starter can be used in the same way as sourdough discard in sweet or savory baking. You can add active sourdough starter to any recipe you would add discard to following the same calculation.

Does sourdough discard have to be active to use? ›

It can be at room temperature or come directly from the fridge. The texture is less bubbly (if bubbly at all) when compared to fluffy active starter. Sourdough discard is not active enough to make bread dough rise, and despite its name the “discard” does not have to be thrown away.

What is the difference between sourdough discard and active? ›

Active starter has been fed flour and water within the last 12 hours or so and is growing until it hits its peak. Once it begins to fall it is considered discard. When sourdough starter becomes sourdough discard you have two options. Refeed all of the discard.

Is active sourdough starter the same as discard? ›

Active sourdough starter is starter that has been fed water + flour and allowed to sit until it is bubbly and about doubled in size. Sourdough discard is after the starter has peaked, and it has started to come down. It is the portion that you would typically throw away before feeding again.

What happens if you don't discard sourdough starter? ›

If you don't get rid of the excess, eventually you'll have more starter than your feedings can sustain. After a few days, your daily 1/4 cup flour and water won't be enough to sustain your entire jar of starter, and your starter will be slow and sluggish, not much better than discard itself.

What consistency should sourdough starter be for pancake batter? ›

Consistency of Sourdough Starter

When starting to build your starter you can leave it a bit thinner but once you start making bread you will want it THICK, You want your sourdough starter to be the consistency of thick pancake batter. if it's too thin add a scoop of flour.

Why are my sourdough pancakes tough? ›

Overmixing develops the gluten in pancakes and can make them gummy or “tough”. Mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients just until they are combined. The consistency of your batter is key. It should be thick enough to hold its shape but thin enough to pour easily.

What do sourdough pancakes taste like? ›

TASTE: Just a word to the wise, these taste like pancakes from your favorite restaurant. Thick, fluffy, soft, and delicious! They do NOT have a sour flavor, and most likely no one would know you used your sourdough starter when making them!

Will sourdough pancake batter keep in the fridge? ›

Yes! This batter can be prepare and stored in the fridge up to 2 days in advance. Note that your sourdough pancakes may not be as fluffy if you make the batter in advance.

How long can you keep sourdough pancake batter in the fridge? ›

Step 2: In the morning, add the eggs, salt, baking powder and baking soda to the batter and stir to incorporate. Let the batter rest for about 20 minutes before cooking. The pancake batter can stay in the fridge for up to 2 days before using it to make the waffles and pancakes.

How long can sourdough discard stay in fridge? ›

Sourdough discard will last indefinitely when stored in the fridge, but the longer it sits, the sourer it becomes. Therefore, I like to use my discard within 2 weeks.

How long do I have to use sourdough discard? ›

Stored in the freezer, sourdough discard will theoretically keep indefinitely. I've left it in the freezer for as long as six months, untouched (i.e., I don't add or remove discard). Before using it, let it thaw in the refrigerator or at room temperature, never in the microwave. The microwave will cook/kill it.

Can you use sourdough starter too early? ›

The longer it's been since a starter has been fed the more off flavours and gluten breakdown. It is fine to use un-fed starter however if you use too much starter that hasn't been fed for a while then the resulting bread won't taste as nice and won't rise as much.

How long can sourdough starter discard sit out? ›

As long as your kitchen isn't too warm (I'd say 78°F or higher) your starter/discard will be fine stored at room temperature for at least a few days without feeding. The flavor will get more acidic the longer it sits.

Can you use sourdough starter anytime? ›

You should wait at least 2-4 hours or until the starter is at its peak before you use it in your baking. Can you use sourdough starter after it falls? Yes you can use sourdough starter after it falls. It's best to use it at its peak when the yeast colony is at its greatest, but using it after it falls is also possible.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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