Boost Fertility Naturally with My Daily Fertility Tea Recipe (2024)

Looking for a homemade fertility booster? After struggling with infertility, I dove into ALL THE THINGS that could help boost my fertility while trying to conceive. I eliminated toxins, I drank a daily fertility smoothie, I did a radical fertility diet, I did daily fertility mind-body work, AND, I made this nourishing herbal infusion to drink every day! I hope you love my fertility tea recipe!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed while trying to conceive and aren’t sure you can add ONE MORE THING, rest assured this is a pretty easy herbal infusion to make. It easily fits into your daily rhythms, and I think it tastes great cold or warm. This natural nourishing mix of the fertility herbs includes nettles, red raspberry, and oat straw, and is made to will boost your fertility by providing dense nourishment and (hopefully) increasing the health of your uterine lining. Boost Fertility Naturally with My Daily Fertility Tea Recipe (1)

Table of Contents

Why I Drank a Fertility Tea Every Day When Trying to Conceive

After two years of repeated early miscarriages, and being told I had high FSH, endometriosis, and diminished ovarian reserve, I was given only one shot of trying IVF before the doctors would say my only option was donor eggs. I did everything I possibly could to try to lower my FSH and become more fertile, including drinking a glass of this nourishing infusion every day. I got pregnant naturally in under three months and never wound up trying that one shot of IVF! And then I did it again a few years later!

When I was doing my research on EVERYTHING fertility, I read the Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year by Susan Weed. In it, she suggests an herbal fertility infusion, and discusses the herbs red raspberry, nettles, oatstraw, and red clover. From this book I developed the idea of my fertility infusion. And below you’ll find the fertility tea recipe I developed!

Are Fertility Teas Safe When Doing IUI or IVF?

The fertility herbs that I use in my fertility herbal tea infusion recipe are red raspberry, nettles, and oatstraw. These are incredibly gentle and nourishing herbs. That is why I am not nervous about publishing this recipe on the internet- if it contained stronger medicinal herbs, I would not want to publish it. Of course, speak to your doctor about whether these teas are right for you, especially if trying IUI or IVF, or preparing for a donor egg cycle. They are such gentle and nourishing herbs, most doctors will be fine with them.

Be aware that doctors often get nervous when you say “herbal remedy” because there are so many herbs out there that are super powerful and can affect your hormone balance. So, your doctor may advise you to stop taking the infusion while you cycle. I personally wouldn’t take anything related to hormonal balance- like red clover leaf- while cycling, but these three herbs I’ve identified are fundamentally nourishing and not known to alter hormones. However, if you are on blood thinners (beyond baby aspirin) for your cycle, then you might consider dropping the nettles from this infusion.

Hey all, I’m not a doctor or an herbalist. Just a lady who loves to research and drank this fertility infusion to get pregnant. Please always follow your wise intution and consult with your personal healers- doctors, herbalists, naturalists, acupuncturists, etc., on what is appropriate for YOU!

When Should You Drink Fertility Tea?

You can drink this infusion throughout your cycle, and some people drink it throughout their pregnancy. Out of an overabundance of caution, people (like me) who are terribly afraid of early miscarriage will not drink nettles or red raspberry during the first trimester, even though midwives would say it is fine. This infusion is recommended, however, in the third trimester, to prepare the body for birth. Often, nettles are stopped several weeks before birth and the infusion changes to a simple (100%) red raspberry blend.

Is it safe to drink Red Raspberry Leaf during the Luteal Phase AKA the Two Week Wait?

So, here is the deal. Herbalists are roughly split down the middle with whether they recommend drinking red raspberry leaf (RRL) tea during the two week wait (2ww) which is also known as the luteal phase. The internet is extremely unhelpful here. We have one herbalist saying to avoid RRL because it can thin uterine lining and cause contractions. And then we have another herbalist saying to continue RRL in the two week wait because it can thicken uterine lining and prep the womb to conceive. Generally, none of these writers will cite any sources.

So, what does the research say? There are a small handful of studies done on rats with RRL and guess what? In some the super high doses of red raspberry leaf cause contractions, while in others, the red raspberry leaf SOOTHES the contractions away. Ugh. The researchers decided it was all inconclusive and likely not doing anything. And we only have studies on pregnant rats, no studies on rats or women trying to get pregnant. At the end of the day, I personally choose to CONTINUE the red raspberry in my infusion through the two week wait, and only stopped when I got a BFP (big fat positive pregnancy test).

Do Fertility Herbs Taste Good?

This fertility tea infusion should taste nourishing and yummy. When you drink it, you should enjoy it and feel like it is providing your body with the nourishment you need. If you don’t like it, it doesn’t taste good, or it just doesn’t feel like the right herbal combination for you, then maybe it isn’t! Do some research into medicinal herbs for fertility and consider if another herb (or a combination of other herbs) is right for you.

I recommend the nourishing fertility tea infusion of nettles, red raspberry, and oat straw, because they are so gentle and so nourishing that they will help prepare the womb and body for anyone trying to get pregnant. Before I get into the details of the recipe, I want to spend a little time talking about each herb and why it is helpful in preparing for pregnancy!

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Boost Fertility Naturally with My Daily Fertility Tea Recipe (2)

Dried Nettle Leaf, photo from Mountain Rose Herbs

Nettles areone of the most nourishing herbs. According to Susan Weed, the herbal healing guru, a one quart infusion of nettles contains more than 1000 milligrams of calcium, 15000 IU of vitamin A, 760 milligrams of vitamin K, and plenty of most B vitamins. Its reputation is as the herb with the most chlorophyll – the substance thought to be what makes “green” superfoods like wheatgrass, so helpful to getting pregnant. Nettles provides a food source of folate (food-based folic acid) (crucial for a healthy pregnancy) and tones the adrenal system which then provides additional energy for the body to focus on making a baby.

Drinking a nettles tea infusion is basically like having two servings of leafy greens- only better. Your body needs optimal nourishment in order to have the energy to grow healthy eggs, develop a perfect uterine lining, and sustain a pregnancy. Also, if you have eliminated dairy, as I suggest may be necessary for some women trying to conceive, you need to ensure you are getting enough calcium. Nettles is the right herb for the job. For a single nettles infusion, take 1 cup of dried nettles and put into a quart mason jar. Fill the jar with boiling water, cover, and steep overnight or for at least 4 hours. Strain, and drink warm, hot, cold, whatever your preference. I like nettles straight up- some add a little honey. Drink 1 to 3 cups a day. Nettles is probably safe throughout pregnancy, however, out of an overabundance of caution I chose not to use it after I confirmed my pregnancy with a blood test. I did use it in my third trimester to prepare for birth.

Warning! A strong nettles infusion can lower your blood pressure, lower your blood sugar and thin your blood. For most women trying to get pregnant this is helpful. But, if you struggle with one of these conditions already or are medicated for one of them, avoid a simple nettles infusion, and don’t overdo the suggested amounts in the three-herb infusion.

Red Raspberry Leaf

Boost Fertility Naturally with My Daily Fertility Tea Recipe (3)

Dried Red Raspberry Leaf, photo from Mountain Rose Herbs

Red Raspberry Leaf is THE uterine tonic in the herbal world. Anyone trying to conceive, whether they are just starting or have been struggling with infertility, whether they are trying to get pregnant naturally, or using IUI, IVF, or preparing for a donor egg transfer, should be using Red Raspberry leaf. Red Raspberry leaf is full of vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B, and many minerals. It promotes healthy menstruation (including managing excessive menstrual bleeding), improves egg quality through nutrition, assists in the healing of the uterus after surgery, and may lengthen a short luteal phase. It is most well known for toning the uterus however, and for this reason, it is thought that using it in preparation for pregnancy can even prevent some kinds of miscarriage (especially those associated with uterine lining/implantation issues). Just like nettles, if you want, you can take this as a simple single infusion, using the directions above. While Red Raspberry is probably safe throughout pregnancy, and is recommended by midwives as a remedy for morning sickness and a miscarriage preventative, out of an overabundance of caution I chose not to use it after I confirmed my pregnancy with a blood test. I did use it in my third trimester to prepare for birth.

I should note there is a bit of an online controversy about using Red Raspberry Leaf during the two week wait, due to a single study that showed that in some doses it caused pregnant rats to have weak contractions. However the authors of the study say it was inconclusive and that the effect depends on pregnancy status. I used it during the two week wait of my successful pregnancy, and many women drink it throughout the first trimester (and have for hundreds of years). I don’t believe it is dangerous- instead I believe it is helpful, toning the uterus and increasing blood flow right when you need it (the two week wait). Most midwives and herbalists agree with this. However, if you would prefer to be more cautious, you can only include it in your infusion from menstruation to ovulation.


Oatstraw is the super gentle, nourishing grasses of the oat plant. Both oats (the grain) and the oat grasses are incredibly nourishing, and soothing to the system. Oatstraw promotes a strong and calm nervous system, and healthy endocrine system- something that is absolutely crucial when trying to conceive. Susan Weed in her book “Healing Wise” writes, “ Avena [oatstraw] eases spasms and inflammation throughout your being, allowing engorged cells to relax, release fluid, and cool off.” This sounds to me like exactly what we are trying to do while attempting to conceive! Reduce inflammation (which can cause ovulation and implantation problems) and calm the body so that it can receive that little embryo and nourish it! Oatstraw is high in vitamin C vitamin A, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, the vitamin B complex (including folate), vitamins E, G, and K, and fiber. Finally, oatstraw helps to stabilize your blood sugar- something that we all know is crucial in a fertility friendly diet. Oatstraw is absolutely safe throughout pregnancy- no worries there. If you have Celiacs and need to strictly avoid all gluten, consider purchasing a gluten-free oatstraw like this one from Oregon’s Wild Harvest.

I do want to mention one other herb that is very helpful for some women struggling with “infertility” but that I did not personally use when trying to conceive- Red Clover.

Red Clover

Boost Fertility Naturally with My Daily Fertility Tea Recipe (5)

Dried Red Clover Blossoms, photo from Mountain Rose Herbs

Red Clover is a fertility herb with very high vitamin and mineral content. This herb helps balance hormones, and potentially, helps unblock fallopian tubes. It is often used to help regulate an irregular menstrual cycle. If you have blocked fallopian tubes, an irregular cycle, irregular ovulation, or unexplained infertility, consider substituting red clover in for the oatstraw in the above recipe. Because I didn’t have those conditions, and because red clover is thought to have an estrogenic effect on the body (which might be bad for endometriosis, which I have), I did not use red clover. The herbalists over at Natural Fertility Info seem to dismiss my concerns however, and tout Red Clover as a wonder herb. It just might be- if you read about it and it sounds right to you, try it. If it tastes good and makes you feel good, use it! Again, out of an overabundance of caution due to my history of endometriosis, I avoid it.

Finding the herbs!

For sourcing herbs, if I have to make a bulk order, I order from Mountain Rose Herbs. Unfortunately, they charge for shipping, but they are a well-respected organic herb supplier. Luckily, Amazon has plenty of “prime” free shipping options so you can get your herbs quickly. I’ve ordered both Starwest and Frontier from Amazon when I want to receive my order within a day or two. I have never had problems with quality from either.

Of course, wild harvesting them yourself is the best :-). Unfortunately, this suburban girl ain’t got time or access for that.

How to Make an Herbal Fertility Tea Infusion

In the kitchen, I am all about efficiency. Since this fertility tea recipe is a regular part of my nourishing fertility diet, I want to make this infusion quickly. Also, even though it might be slightly better for me, I don’t want to have to make a new infusion every night. So although you can use a 1 qt mason jar with ⅓ cup each of Nettles, Red Raspberry, and Oatstraw, I prefer to use a larger 2 qt/64 oz mason jar. This produces six cups of the infusion, and I drink two cups every day for three days. That way I only have to do this every three days instead of every day or every other day!

First, measure out ⅔ cup each of Nettles, Red Rasberry, and Oatstraw.

Boost Fertility Naturally with My Daily Fertility Tea Recipe (6)

Measuring the herbs

Place the dried herbs into a 2 qt mason jar. It should measure up to about the 2 cup mark, or just beyond. I tend to be overly generous.

Boost Fertility Naturally with My Daily Fertility Tea Recipe (7)

Fertility Herbs Prepped

Boil 2 qts of water.

A note on boiling water: If you don’t use an electric kettle to boil water you should probably get oBoost Fertility Naturally with My Daily Fertility Tea Recipe (8)ne! Ours boils 2 qts of water in under five minutes. If I’m only boiling a cup of water it takes under a minute. Seriously, these things are amazing! BUT, you have to get a non-plastic kettle, otherwise you risk phthalates leaching into your water. Phthalates are toxic endocrine-disrupting chemicals that wreak havoc on your fertility. We scoured the internet to find a kettle that has absolutely no plastic touching the water, and the inside of the lid is stainless as well. It isn’t the prettiest thing (there were prettier ones that were more expensive), but it is made in the U.S. (Wisconsin!), and stays cool on the outside so you don’t have to worry about burnt fingers.

Boost Fertility Naturally with My Daily Fertility Tea Recipe (9)

Pour your safe, phthalate-free, boiling water over the herbs and fill up your mason jar. I usually do a circular motion to try to get all the herbs under the boiling water, but it doesn’t really matter.

Boost Fertility Naturally with My Daily Fertility Tea Recipe (10)

Pouring the boiling water

Place the lid on the mason jar and steep overnight or for at least four hours. The infusion will be a nice dark color when ready.

Strain the infusion using a fine wire-mesh strainer. I kind of press the liquid out of the herbs with a wooden spoon, but it’s not really necessary. I usually rinse the mason jar, and put the strained liquid right back into it.

Boost Fertility Naturally with My Daily Fertility Tea Recipe (12)

Strain the fertility infusion

Enjoy, warm, cold, hot, anyway that tastes best to you! I prefer it a little chilled.

Boost Fertility Naturally with My Daily Fertility Tea Recipe (13)

Enjoying my infusion and a little light reading

Its that easy!

If you compost, the leftover herbs are AMAZING activators. Nettles have a lot of nitrogen, so we never have to buy anything else to help our compost decompose!


Boost Fertility Naturally with My Daily Fertility Tea Recipe (14)

Daily Herbal Fertility Tea Recipe

★★★★★5 from 2 reviews
  • Author: Anna
  • Total Time: 4 hours 5 mins
  • Yield: 3 servings 1x
Print Recipe


A gentle, nourishing herbal infusion to use daily while trying to conceive. Prepares the womb for pregnancy. I drank this fertility tea recipe every day for months before conceiving both of my miracle children.




    1. Add nettles, red raspberry leaf, and oatstraw to a 2 qt mason jar.
    1. Add 2 qt boiling water to jar. (We use this non-toxic US made all stainless kettle to boil water super quickly- bonus, when you fill its up to the line exactly for the Mason jar!)
    1. Steep overnight or for at least 4 hours.
    1. Strain liquid and discard herbs (they make great compost!).
  1. Enjoy 2 cups each day!


Lasts for three to four days in the fridge!

  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 4 hours


  • Serving Size: 2 cups

Are you ready to start your daily herbal fertility infusion? Have you already been doing this? Do you love the taste? Leave a note here to commit to your daily infusion!

Are you ready to discover YOUR perfect fertility diet?

Boost Fertility Naturally with My Daily Fertility Tea Recipe (15)

Tired of all the conflicting fertility diet information? It is up to YOU to take control of your fertility journey and do the research to figure out YOUR perfect fertility diet. I've developed this free e-book as a guide to jumpstart the process. It includes tailored diet information for many infertility diagnoses, such as PCOS, Endometriosis, Anovulation, Luteal Phase Defect, Thyroid Problems, Fibroids, Unexplained Infertility, and more! It is completely free to download! Enjoy!

Want to get pregnant fast?

Love lists? Me too. Grab my 79 Things I did to transform my life and get pregnant in less than 3 months after 2 years of infertility and miscarriages! Totally free!

Anna Rapp

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Anna Rapp is a fertility journalist and non-toxic living expert. When Anna Rapp was struggling with infertility and recurrent early miscarriage, she was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve, High FSH, low AMH, low follicle count, endometriosis, and an MTHFR mutation. Despite being told donor eggs were her only solution, Anna used her graduate training in research methods and analysis to read everything she could find on fertility and egg health. Ultimately, she lowered her FSH and got pregnant naturally (twice). She blogs about how she did it and encourages her readers to take charge of their fertility journey and get happy, healthy, and pregnant!

Boost Fertility Naturally with My Daily Fertility Tea Recipe (2024)
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